

Most technical provisions of the BC Fire Code describe how the code’s objectives and functional statements are achieved. However, some provisions, like this one, do not relate directly to a code objective. The following analysis is provided to assist in understanding of the provision.



Construction materials in a storey in which more than 10% of the area is classified as a Group C major occupancy. This applies in buildings that:
This applies to buildings to which Part 3 applies [see Sentence of Division A for application of Part 3].


To clarify that there are no restrictions on the use of combustible or noncombustible construction, as defined in Section 3.1.


Functional Statement:


To retard the effects of fire on areas beyond its point of origin.


To retard failure or collapse due to the effects of fire.


OS1.2, OS1.2, OS1.3



Fire separation requirements and fire-resistance rating of floor assemblies and of their supporting loadbearing walls, columns and arches in a storey in which more than 10% of the area is classified as a Group C major occupancy. This applies in buildings that:
This applies to buildings to which Part 3 applies [see Sentence of Division A for application of Part 3].
This also applies to:


To limit the probability that loadbearing walls, columns and arches exposed to fire will prematurely fail or collapse, which could lead to the failure or collapse of supported floor assemblies during the time required to achieve occupant safety and for emergency responders to perform their duties, which could lead to harm to persons.
To limit the probability that floor assemblies exposed to fire will prematurely fail or collapse during the time required to achieve occupant safety and for emergency responders to perform their duties, which could lead to harm to persons.
To limit the probability that loadbearing walls, columns and arches exposed to fire will prematurely fail or collapse, which could lead to the failure or collapse of supported floor assemblies, which could lead to the spread of fire from a lower storey of a building to an upper storey or to the exterior during the time required to achieve occupant safety and for emergency responders to perform their duties, which could lead to harm to persons.
To limit the probability that floor assemblies exposed to fire will prematurely fail or collapse, which could lead to the spread of fire from a lower storey of a building to an upper storey or to the exterior of the building during the time required to achieve occupant safety and for emergency responders to perform their duties, which could lead to harm to persons.


Functional Statement:


To retard the effects of fire on areas beyond its point of origin.


To retard failure or collapse due to the effects of fire.


OP1.2, OP1.2, OP1.3



Fire separation requirements and fire-resistance rating of floor assemblies and of their supporting loadbearing walls, columns and arches in a storey in which more than 10% of the area is classified as a Group C major occupancy. This applies in buildings that:
This applies to buildings to which Part 3 applies [see Sentence of Division A for application of Part 3].
This also applies to:


To limit the probability that loadbearing walls, columns and arches exposed to fire will prematurely fail or collapse, which could lead to the failure or collapse of supported floor assemblies during the time required to achieve occupant safety and for emergency responders to perform their duties, which could lead to damage to the building.
To limit the probability that floor assemblies exposed to fire will prematurely fail or collapse during the time required to achieve occupant safety and for emergency responders to perform their duties, which could lead to damage to the building.
To limit the probability that loadbearing walls, columns and arches exposed to fire will prematurely fail or collapse, which could lead to the failure or collapse of supported floor assemblies, which could lead to the spread of fire from a lower storey of a building to an upper storey or to the exterior during the time required to achieve occupant safety and for emergency responders to perform their duties, which could lead to damage to the building.
To limit the probability that floor assemblies exposed to fire will prematurely fail or collapse, which could lead to the spread of fire from a lower storey of a building to an upper storey or to the exterior of the building during the time required to achieve occupant safety and for emergency responders to perform their duties, which could lead to damage to the building.


Functional Statement:


To retard failure or collapse due to the effects of fire.





Fire-resistance rating of mezzanines and of their supporting loadbearing walls, columns and arches in a storey in which more than 10% of the area is classified as a Group C major occupancy. This applies in buildings that:
This applies to buildings to which Part 3 applies [see Sentence of Division A for application of Part 3].


To limit the probability that loadbearing walls, columns and arches exposed to fire will prematurely fail or collapse, which could lead to the failure or collapse of a supported mezzanine during the time required to achieve occupant safety and for emergency responders to perform their duties, which could lead to harm to persons.
To limit the probability that a mezzanine exposed to fire will prematurely fail or collapse during the time required to achieve occupant safety and for emergency responders to perform their duties, which could lead to harm to persons.


Functional Statement:


To retard failure or collapse due to the effects of fire.





Fire-resistance rating of mezzanines and of their supporting loadbearing walls, columns and arches in a storey in which more than 10% of the area is classified as a Group C major occupancy. This applies in buildings that:
This applies to buildings to which Part 3 applies [see Sentence of Division A for application of Part 3].


To limit the probability that loadbearing walls, columns and arches exposed to fire will prematurely fail or collapse, which could lead to the failure or collapse of a supported mezzanine during the time required to achieve occupant safety and for emergency responders to perform their duties, which could lead to damage to the building.
To limit the probability that a mezzanine exposed to fire will prematurely fail or collapse during the time required to achieve occupant safety and for emergency responders to perform their duties, which could lead to damage to the building.


Functional Statement:


To retard failure or collapse due to the effects of fire.





Fire-resistance rating of roof assemblies and of their supporting loadbearing walls, columns and arches in a storey in which more than 10% of the area is classified as a Group C major occupancy. This applies in buildings that:
This applies to buildings to which Part 3 applies [see Sentence of Division A for application of Part 3].


To limit the probability that loadbearing walls, columns and arches exposed to fire will prematurely fail or collapse, which could lead to the failure or collapse of a supported roof assembly during the time required to achieve occupant safety and for emergency responders to perform their duties, which could lead to harm to persons.
To limit the probability that a roof assembly exposed to fire will prematurely fail or collapse during the time required to achieve occupant safety and for emergency responders to perform their duties, which could lead to harm to persons.


Functional Statement:


To retard failure or collapse due to the effects of fire.





Fire-resistance rating of roof assemblies and of their supporting loadbearing walls, columns and arches in a storey in which more than 10% of the area is classified as a Group C major occupancy. This applies in buildings that:
This applies to buildings to which Part 3 applies [see Sentence of Division A for application of Part 3].


To limit the probability that loadbearing walls, columns and arches exposed to fire will prematurely fail or collapse, which could lead to the failure or collapse of a supported roof assembly during the time required to achieve occupant safety and for emergency responders to perform their duties, which could lead to damage to the building.
To limit the probability that a roof assembly exposed to fire will prematurely fail or collapse during the time required to achieve occupant safety and for emergency responders to perform their duties, which could lead to damage to the building.