

Functional Statement:


To retard the effects of fire on facilities for notification, suppression and emergency response.


OS1.2, OS1.5



Protection of elevators for use by firefighters.
This applies to high buildings, as defined in Sentence
Clauses and (c) also apply to elevators serving floor areas above or below the first storey that are not sprinklered throughout and that have a barrier-free path of travel, as stated in Clause


To limit the probability of direct exposure of the elevator door interlock mechanism to fire, which could lead to the failure of the interlock mechanism and the opening or partial opening of the elevator doors during the time required to achieve occupant safety and for emergency responders to perform their duties, which could lead to:
  • harm to persons, including emergency responders, and
  • the failure of the elevator operating mechanism, which could lead to the elevators not operating as intended, which could lead to delays or inefficiencies in fire emergency response operations, which could lead to:
    • delays in evacuation or moving to a safe place, which could lead to harm to persons, including emergency responders, and
    • the spread of fire to other parts of the building, which could lead to harm to persons, including emergency responders.


Functional Statement:


To retard the effects of fire on facilities for notification, suppression and emergency response.





Protection of elevators for use by firefighters.
This applies to high buildings, as defined in Sentence
Clauses and (c) also apply to elevators serving floor areas above or below the first storey that are not sprinklered throughout and that have a barrier-free path of travel, as stated in Clause


To limit the probability of direct exposure of the elevator door interlock mechanism to fire, which could lead to the failure of the interlock mechanism and the opening or partial opening of the elevator doors during the time required for emergency responders to perform their duties, which could lead to the failure of the elevator operating mechanism, which could lead to the elevators not operating as intended, which could lead to delays or inefficiencies in fire emergency response operations, which could lead to the spread of fire to other parts of the building, which could lead to damage to the building.