

Functional Statement:


To notify emergency responders, in a timely manner, of the need to take action in an emergency.


OS1.5, OS1.2



Posting of legible notices in buildings described in Sentence of Division A, where a single stage fire alarm system is installed in buildings that are not sprinklered throughout.
This also applies to buildings to which Part 9 applies [see Sentence of Division A for application of Part 9] in which fire alarm systems are installed, as stated in Sentence


To limit the probability that persons will not be familiar with procedures to notify the fire department or will be unaware of the emergency telephone number, which could lead to emergency responders not being promptly notified of a fire situation, which could lead to delays in carrying out fire emergency response operations, which could lead to:
  • delays in the evacuation or movement of persons to a safe place, which could lead to harm to persons, and
  • the spread of fire, which could lead to harm to persons.
To alert building occupants to a method of notifying the fire department of the need to respond to an emergency in a building.


Functional Statement:


To notify emergency responders, in a timely manner, of the need to take action in an emergency.





Posting of legible notices in buildings described in Sentence of Division A, where a single stage fire alarm system is installed in buildings that are not sprinklered throughout.
This also applies to buildings to which Part 9 applies [see Sentence of Division A for application of Part 9] in which fire alarm systems are installed, as stated in Sentence


To limit the probability that persons will not be familiar with procedures to notify the fire department or will be unaware of the emergency telephone number, which could lead to emergency responders not being promptly notified of a fire situation, which could lead to delays in carrying out fire emergency response operations, which could lead to the spread of fire, which could lead to damage to the building.
To alert building occupants to a method of notifying the fire department of the need to respond to an emergency in a building.