

Functional Statement:


To minimize the risk of malfunction, interference, damage, tampering, lack of use or misuse.


OH1.1, OH1.2



Connections and openings in ducts in air duct distribution systems serving heating, ventilating and air-conditioning systems, in buildings to which Part 6 applies [see Sentence of Division A for application of Part 6].


To limit the probability that loose connections or unnecessary openings will lead to excessive air leakage, which could lead to:
  • the inadequate delivery of warm air or the return of cold air, which could lead to:
    • an inability to maintain adequate indoor air temperatures, or
    • the inadequate control of:
      • relative humidity or indoor air temperatures, or
      • surface temperatures, or
  • inadequate ventilation, which could lead to the inadequate control of:
    • relative humidity, which could lead to condensation, which could lead to mould and mildew growth,
    • airborne pollutants, or
    • indoor air temperatures.
This is to limit the probability of:
  • negative effects on the air quality of indoor spaces, and
  • the inadequate thermal comfort of persons.
This is to limit the probability of harm to persons.


Functional Statement:


To minimize the risk of malfunction, interference, damage, tampering, lack of use or misuse.


To limit the spread of hazardous substances beyond their point of release.





Connections and openings in ducts in air duct distribution systems serving heating, ventilating and air-conditioning systems, in buildings to which Part 6 applies [see Sentence of Division A for application of Part 6].


To limit the probability that loose connections or unnecessary openings will lead to excessive air leakage, which could lead to a reduction in airflow, which could lead to insufficient combustion air for fuel-burning appliances, which could lead to incomplete combustion, which could lead to the entry of carbon monoxide gas into occupied space, which could lead to the acute poisoning or asphyxiation of persons.