This edition of the Vancouver Building By-law (VBBL) is a modified version of the
British Columbia Building Code of Canada 2006, which in turn is a modified version
of the National Building Code of Canada 2005. Modifications were prepared by the Chief
Building Official Office of the Community Services with comments and recommendations
from the construction industry and various professional groups.
The National Building Code of Canada (NBC) is prepared by the Canadian Commission
on Building and Fire Codes (CCBFC) and is published by the National Research Council.
It is prepared in the form of a recommended model code to permit adoption by an appropriate
authority, in this case indirectly the City of Vancouver.
Vancouver is enabled under the Vancouver Charter to adopt By-laws to regulate the
construction of buildings. The Vancouver Building By-law regulates the design and
construction requirements for buildings as well as the administrative provisions for
permitting, inspection, and enforcement of these requirements.
Vancouver's ability to adopt its own By-law regulating the construction of buildings
is unique in the Province and also unusual in the rest of Canada. It is an important
authority, which allows Council the opportunity to be responsive to local issues impacting
on building safety.
The VBBL addresses the following five broad objectives:
- safety
- health
- accessibility for persons with disabilities
- fire protection of buildings and facilities
- environmental protection
It establishes a standard of safety for the construction of buildings, including additions
or alterations, the evaluation of buildings undergoing a change of major occupancy
and upgrading an unacceptable hazard. Requirements for workmanship related to aesthetics
only are not considered appropriate for the By-law although requirements for quality
and durability that affect health and safety are appropriate.

The British Columbia Building Code (BCBC) sets out technical provisions for the design
and construction of new buildings. It also applies to the alteration, change of use
demolition of existing buildings. Code users should consult the authority having
jurisdiction regarding application of BCBC provisions to existing buildings.
The BC Building Code is a regulation of the Local Government Act and is based on the
model National Building Code of Canada 2005 and the model National Plumbing Code of
Canada. Building code users are involved in the development of the BCBC and they help
determine the content. The 2006 BCBC succeeds the 1998 British Columbia Building Code.
The BCBC addresses the following four broad objectives:
- safety
- health
- accessibility for persons with disabilities
- fire protection of buildings and facilities
The BCBC is not a textbook on the design or construction of buildings and facilities,
nor is it the only document regulating health and safety. Designing and building in
technically sound manner depends upon many factors beyond simple compliance with
building regulations. Such factors include the availability of knowledgeable
practitioners who have received appropriate education, training and experience and
some degree of familiarity with the principles of good practice and experience using
textbooks, reference manuals and technical guides.
The BCBC does not list any proprietary products. It establishes the criteria that
materials, products and assemblies must meet. Some of these criteria are explicitly
stated in the BCBC while others are incorporated by reference to material or product
standards published by standards development organizations.
This volume contains information pertinent to 2006 BC Building Code Division B Part
Plumbing Services. It has been prepared for the convenience of some BC Building Code
Code users wishing to consult portions not contained in this volume should consult
Guidelines for requesting changes to the BCBC are available on the Internet at Printed copies of the guidelines may also be requested from the Building Policy Branch, whose address is provided at the end of this
Relationship between the Vancouver Building By-law and the Vancouver Fire By-law
A special relationship exists between the Vancouver Building By-law and the Vancouver
Fire By-law with respect to fire safety. The contents of both By-laws must be considered
in building design, construction and maintenance. The role of each By-law with respect
to fire safety can be summarized as follows:
Vancouver Building By-law (VBBL) — establishes a satisfactory standard of fire safety for the construction of new
buildings, the reconstruction of existing buildings, including additions, alterations,
or changes in major occupancy and upgrading of buildings to remove an unacceptable
fire hazard.*
Vancouver Fire By-law (VFBL) — establishes a satisfactory standard for fire prevention, fire fighting and life
safety in buildings in use,* including standards for the conduct of activities causing
fire hazards, maintenance of fire safety equipment and egress facilities, standards
for portable extinguishers, limitations on building contents and the establishment
of fire safety plans, including the organization of supervisory staff for emergency
purposes. In addition, the VFBL establishes the standard for prevention, containment
and suppression of fires originating outside buildings, which may present a hazard
to a community, and sets standards for the storage and handling of dangerous goods,
and flammable and combustible liquids.
The two By-laws are intended as complementary and coordinated documents in order to
reduce to a minimum the possibility of conflict in their respective contents. To aid
in their effective application, building and fire officials must be fully conversant
with the fire safety standards of both By-laws. Such officials should be involved
both in the review and the approval of plans with respect to fire safety prior to
granting a building permit and with the inspection of buildings for fire safety. This
is the only way to determine that all known hazards have been considered and a satisfactory
standard of fire safety has been achieved.(1)

Relationship between the BC Building Code and the BC Fire Code
The BC Building Code (BCBC) and BC Fire Code (BCFC) each contain provisions that
deal with the safety of persons in buildings in the event of a fire and the
protection of buildings from the effects of fire. The BCFC also applies to other
types of facilities besides buildings (e.g. tank farms and storage yards).
These codes are developed as complementary and coordinated documents to minimize
the possibility of their containing conflicting provisions. It is expected that
buildings comply with both the BCBC and the BCFC. The BCBC generally applies at the
time of construction and reconstruction while the BCFC applies to the operation and
maintenance of the fire-related features of buildings in use.
The scope of each of these Codes with respect to fire safety and fire protection
can be summarized as follows:
The BC Building Code covers the fire safety and fire protection features that are
- required to be incorporated in a building at the time of its original
construction. Building codes typically no longer apply once a building is
occupied, unless the building is undergoing alteration or change of use, or
being demolished.
The BC Fire Code includes provisions for:
- the on-going maintenance and use of the fire safety and fire protection features
incorporated in buildings
- the conduct of activities that might cause fire hazards in and around buildings
- limitations on hazardous contents in and around buildings
- the establishment of fire safety plans
- fire safety at construction and demolition sites
In addition, the BCFC contains provisions regarding fire safety and fire
protection features that must be added to existing buildings when certain hazardous
activities or processes are introduced in these buildings.
Some of the BCFC’s provisions are not duplicated directly in the BCBC but are in
fact adopted through cross-references to the BCFC. Thus, some BCFC provisions may
apply to original construction, alterations, or changes in use.
Objective-Based Code Format
The Vancouver Building By-law (VBBL) is published in an objective-based format for
the first time in the 2007 edition. The objective-based format organizes the VBBL
into three Divisions:
- Division A, which defines the scope of the Code and contains the objectives, the functional
statements and the conditions necessary to achieve compliance;
- Division B, which contains acceptable solutions (formerly referred to as “technical
requirements”) deemed to satisfy the objectives and functional statements listed in
Division A. Most of these are carried forward from the 1999 VBBL; and
- Division C, which contains administrative provisions.
In the 2007 VBBL, Division B provisions are linked to:
- one or more objectives (safety, health, accessibility for persons with disabilities,
fire, structural protection of buildings, and environmental protection), and
- one or more functional statements (statements on the functions of the building that
a particular provision helps to achieve).
In addition, with the electronic version of the By-law, each provision is linked to
two new types of explanatory material:
- intent statements (detailed statements on the specific intent of the provision),
- application statements (detailed statements on what the provision applies
Previous explanatory material found in Appendices continues to be provided.
A complete description of the objective-based code structure is available on the
Building Policy Branch website (

Objective-Based Code Format
The BC Building Code (BCBC) is published in an objective-based format for the
first time in the 2006 edition. The objective-based format organizes the BCBC into
three Divisions:
- Division A, which defines the scope of the Code and contains the objectives, the
functional statements and the conditions necessary to achieve compliance;
- Division B, which contains acceptable solutions (formerly referred to as
“technical requirements”) deemed to satisfy the objectives and functional
statements listed in Division A. Most of these are carried forward from the 1998
BCBC; and
- Division C, which contains administrative provisions.
In the 2006 BCBC, Division B provisions are linked to:
- one or more objectives (safety, health, accessibility for persons with
disabilities, fire and structural protection of buildings), and
- one or more functional statements (statements on the functions of the building
that a particular provision helps to achieve).
In addition, with the electronic version of the Code, each provision is linked to
two new types of explanatory material:
- intent statements (detailed statements on the specific intent of the provision),
- application statements (detailed statements on what the provision applies
Previous explanatory material found in Appendices continues to be provided.
A complete description of the objective-based code structure is available on the
Building Policy Branch website (
Additional Information
Numbering System
A consistent numbering system has been used throughout the Vancouver Building By-law.
The first number indicates the Part of the By-law; the second, the Section in the
Part; the third, the Subsection; and the fourth, the Article in the Subsection. The
detailed provisions are found at the Sentence level (indicated by numbers in brackets),
and Sentences may be broken down into Clauses and Subclauses. This structure is illustrated
as follows:
3 |
Part |
3.5. |
Section |
3.5.2. |
Subsection |
| |
Article |
| |
Sentence |
| |
Clause |
| |
Subclause |

Numbering System
A consistent numbering system has been used throughout the BC Building Code. The
first number indicates the Part of the Code; the second, the Section in the Part;
the third, the Subsection; and the fourth, the Article in the Subsection. The
detailed provisions are found at the Sentence level (indicated by numbers in
brackets), and Sentences may be broken down into Clauses and Subclauses. This
structure is illustrated as follows:
3 |
Part |
3.5. |
Section |
3.5.2. |
Subsection |
| |
Article |
| |
Sentence |
| |
Clause |
| |
Subclause |
Change Indication
Technical changes or additions relative to the 1998 edition of the BC Building Code
are enclosed by angle brackets (< >). In the printed version of the Vancouver Building
By-law, change indicators have not been provided:
- in Part 4 (which has been thoroughly revised), and
- within tables and figures.
By-law users wishing to identify specific changes within tables, figures or Part 4
should consult electronic versions of the Vancouver Building By-law, in which changes
are indicated by a green underline.
No change indication is provided for renumbered or deleted provisions.

Change Indication
Technical changes or additions relative to the 1998 edition of the BC Building
Code are enclosed by angle brackets. In the printed version of the BC Building Code,
change indicators have not been provided within tables and figures.
Code users wishing to identify specific changes within tables, figures or Part 4
should consult electronic versions of the BC Building Code, in which changes are
indicated by a green underline.
No change indication is provided for renumbered or deleted provisions.
Requirements Unique to Vancouver
All text in Division A through Division C, in the Appendices and in the index that
is unique to Vancouver has been printed over a shaded background. This flag was utilized
to provide the user of this By-law with a means by which to differentiate between
the Vancouver provisions of this By-law and those of the 2006 BCBC on which this By-law
is based. Where the provisions of Vancouver have required the deletion of the 2006
BCBC text, and no Vancouver text has replaced the deleted text, the shaded symbol
"[ . . . ]" has been used to alert the reader that a deletion has been made and that there is
a difference from the 2006 BCBC text.

Online information
Additional information relating to the BC Building Code is available on the
Building Policy Branch website at Online information includes:
- a list of BC building regulations, and the dates at which they were updated
- the Water Conservation Plumbing Regulation
- a list of 2006 BC Building Code provisions that have changed from the 1998
edition of the BC Building Code
- Concurrent authority provisions of the Community Charter that apply to technical
building standards.
Metric Conversion
All values in the VBBL are given in metric units. A conversion table of imperial equivalents
for the most common units used in building design and construction is located at the
end of the Index.

Metric Conversion
All values in the BCBC are given in metric units. A conversion table of imperial
equivalents for the most common units used in building design and construction is
located at the end of the Code.
Commercial Rights to Reproduce the Vancouver Building By-law
Copyright in the Vancouver Building By-law is owned by the Queen’s Printer of British
Columbia. All rights are reserved. Reproduction of copyright material by any means
is prohibited without the written consent of the Queen’s Printer. Request for permission
to reproduce the Vancouver Building By-law must be sent to:
- Code Development Engineer
- Office of the Chief Building Official
- Community Service
- 453 West 12th Avenue
- Vancouver, BC
- V5Y 1V4
This publication contains some material the copyright in which is held by the National
Research Council of Canada and by the Province of British Columbia. The National Research
Council of Canada and the Province of British Columbia make no representations, warranties
or conditions, statutory or otherwise as to the accuracy or completeness of its copyright
material, including the opinions expressed therein, or its suitability for any user’s

Commercial Rights to Reproduce the BC Building Code
Copyright in the BC Building Code is owned by the Queen’s Printer of British
Columbia. All rights are reserved.
This publication contains material that is copyrighted by the National Research
Council Canada and reproduced herein under a license agreement. The National
Research Council Canada makes no representations, warranties or conditions,
statutory or otherwise as to the accuracy or completeness of its copyright material,
including the opinions expressed therein, or its suitability for any user’s
Request for permission to reproduce the BC Building Code must be sent to, or to the following address:
- Intellectual Property Program
- PO Box 9492 Stn Prov Govt
- Victoria BC V8W 9N7
- Phone: (250) 356-5055
- Fax: (250) 356-0846
Contact Information
The City of Vancouver welcomes comments and suggestions for improvements to Vancouver
Building By-law. Comments and inquiries on the use of this By-law and suggestions
for its improvement are welcomed and should be submitted to:
- Code Development Engineer
- Chief Building Official Office
- Community Service
- 453 West 12th Avenue
- Vancouver, BC V5Y 1V4

Contact Information
The provincial government welcomes comments and suggestions for improvements to
the BC Building Code. Persons interested in requesting a change to a technical
provision of the BCBC, or proposing a new provision, should refer to, where additional information is available.
Comments, suggestions and requests for printed copies of web site material
referred to in this introduction should be sent to:
- Building Policy Branch
- Office of Housing and Construction Standards
- 609 Broughton Street
- PO Box 9844 Stn Prov Govt
- Victoria BC V8W 9T2
- Email:
Persons interested in the development of the National Building Code and the
National Plumbing Code, the model documents for the British Columbia Building Code
can contact:
- The Secretary
- Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes
- Institute for Research in Construction
- National Research Council of Canada
- Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6
On the Internet at