Part 1 - Appendix A - Division B

A-    Objectives and Functional Statements Attributed to Acceptable Solutions. The objectives and functional statements attributed to each By-law provision are shown in Tables at the end of each Part in Division B.

Many provisions in Division B serve as modifiers of or pointers to other provisions, or serve other clarification or explanatory purposes. In most cases, no objectives and functional statements have been attributed to such provisions, which therefore do not appear in the above-mentioned tables.

For provisions that serve as modifiers of or pointers to other referenced provisions and that do not have any objectives and functional statements attributed to them, the objectives and functional statements that should be used are those attributed to the provisions they reference.

A-    Climatic and Seismic Values. Climatic values for municipalities not listed in Appendix C may be obtained by writing to the Meteorological Service of Canada, Environment Canada, 4905 Dufferin Street, Toronto, Ontario M3H 5T4.

Seismic values for municipalities not listed in Appendix C may be obtained through the Natural Resources Canada Web site at, or by writing to the Geological Survey of Canada at 7 Observatory Crescent, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0Y3, or at P.O. Box 6000, Sidney, B.C. V8L 4B2.

A-    Winter Design Temperatures. The 2.5% values referred to in Sentence are the least restrictive temperatures that can be used. If a designer chooses to use the 1% value given in Table and Table, it would be in excess of the By-law minimum and would be considered acceptable.

A-    Applicable Editions. Where documents are referenced in Appendices A, B and C of this By-law, they shall be the editions designated in Table A-

Table A-
Documents Referenced in Appendices A, B and C of the Vancouver Building By-law
Issuing Agency Document Number Title of Document By-law Reference
ANSI/ASCE 8-02 Design of Cold Formed Stainless Steel Structural Members A-
ANSI/ASHRAE 62-2001 Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality A-
ANSI/ASME B18.6.1-1981 Wood Screws (Inch Series) A-
ANSI/ASME B16.3-1998 Malleable-Iron Threaded Fittings Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
ANSI/ASME B16.4-1998 Gray Iron Threaded Fittings Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
ANSI/ASME B16.15-1985 Cast Bronze Threaded Fittings, Classes 125 and 250 Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
ANSI B16.18-2001 Cast Copper Alloy Solder-Joint Pressure Fittings Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
ANSI/ASME B16.22-2001 Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Solder-Joint Pressure Fittings Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
ASME B16.23-2002 Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Drainage Fittings: DWV Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
ANSI/ASME B16.29-2001 Wrought Copper and Wrought Copper Alloy Solder Joint Drainage Fittings – DWV Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51-2002 Ductile-Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast, for Water Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
ASHRAE 2003 ASHRAE Handbook of HVAC Applications, Chapter 45, Control of Gaseous Indoor Air Contaminants A-
ASPE 1999 Data Book – Volume 2, Chapter 5, Cold Water Systems A-
ASPE 1999 Data Book – Volume 2, Chapter 6, Domestic Water Heating Systems Fundamentals A-
ASPE 2003 Data Book – Volume 4, Chapter 8, Grease Interceptors A-
ASTM A 53/A 53M-02 Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
ASTM B 42-02e1 Seamless Copper Pipe, Standard Sizes Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
ASTM B 43-98e1 Seamless Red Brass Pipe, Standard Sizes Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
ASTM B 88-03 Seamless Copper Water Tube Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
ASTM B 306-02 Copper Drainage Tube (DWV) Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
ASTM D 2466-02 Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 40 Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
ASTM D 2467-02 Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80 Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
ASTM D 3138-02 Solvent Cements for Transition Joints Between Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) and Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Non-Pressure Piping Components A- to
ASTM F 628-01 Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Schedule 40 Plastic Drain, Waste, and Vent Pipe With a Cellular Core Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
ASTM F 714-03 Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) Based on Outside Diameter Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
ASTM C 516-02 Vermiculite Loose Fill Thermal Insulation A-
ASTM D 1037-99 Evaluating Properties of Wood-Base Fiber and Particle Panel Materials A-
ASTM D 1143-81e1 Piles Under Static Axial Compressive Load A-
ASTM E 336-97e1 Measurement of Airborne Sound Insulation in Buildings A-
ASTM E 492-90e1 Laboratory Measurement of Impact Sound Transmission Through Floor-Ceiling Assemblies Using The Tapping Machine A-
ASTM E 597-95 Determining a Single Number Rating of Airborne Sound Insulation for Use in Multi-Unit Building Specifications A-
ASTM E 1007-97 Field Measurement of Tapping Machine Impact Sound Transmission Through Floor-Ceiling Assemblies and Associated Support Structures A-
ASTM F 476-84 Security of Swinging Door Assemblies A-
AWWA 2004 Manual M14, Recommended Practice for Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control A-
CCBFC NRCC 30629 Supplement to the National Building Code of Canada 1990 Appendix C
CCBFC NRCC 35951 Guidelines for Application of Part 3 of the National Building Code of Canada to Existing Buildings A- (1)
CCBFC NRCC 47667 National Fire Code of Canada 2005 A- (1)
CCBFC NRCC 47668 National Plumbing Code of Canada 2005 A-
Appendix C
CCBFC NRCC 38732 National Farm Building Code of Canada 1995 A- (1)
CCBFC NRCC 40383 User's Guide – NBC 1995, Fire Protection, Occupant Safety and Accessibility (Part 3) A- (1)
CCBFC NRCC 48192 User's Guide – NBC 2005, Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of Division B) A- (1)
Appendix C
CCBFC NRCC 43963 User's Guide – NBC 1995, Application of Part 9 to Existing Buildings A- (1)
CGSB CAN/CGSB-7.2-97 Adjustable Steel Columns A-
CGSB CAN/CGSB-12.20-M89 Structural Design of Glass for Buildings A-
CGSB CAN/CGSB-71.26-M88 Adhesive for Field-Gluing Plywood to Lumber Framing for Floor Systems Table A-
CGSB CAN/CGSB-82.6-M86 Doors, Mirrored Glass, Sliding or Folding, Wardrobe A-
CGSB CAN/CGSB-93.1-M85 Sheet, Aluminum Alloy, Prefinished, Residential A- and (4)
CGSB CAN/CGSB-93.2-M91 Prefinished Aluminum Siding, Soffits, and Fascia, for Residential Use A- and (4)
CGSB CAN/CGSB-34.1-94 Asbestos-Cement Pressure Pipe Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
CGSB CAN/CGSB-34.9-94 Asbestos-Cement Sewer Pipe Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
CGSB CAN/CGSB-34.22-94 Asbestos-Cement Drain Pipe Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
CGSB CAN/CGSB-34.23-94 Asbestos-Cement House Connection Sewer Pipe Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
CMHC 1993 Testing of Fresh Air Mixing Devices A-
CMHC 1988 Air Permeance of Building Materials A- and (2)
Table A-
CSA A23.3-04 Design of Concrete Structures A-
CSA CAN/CSA-A23.4-00 Precast Concrete – Materials and Construction A-
CSA A82.31-M80 Gypsum Board Application Table A-
Table A-
CSA CAN/CSA-A277-01 Procedure for Certification of Factory-Built Houses A- (1)
CSA A370-04 Connectors for Masonry A-
CSA CAN/CSA-A440-00 Windows A-
CSA CAN/CSA-A440.1-00 User Selection Guide to CSA Standard CAN/CSA-A440-00, Windows A-
CSA B44-00 Safety Code for Elevators A-
CSA CAN/CSA-B149.1-00 Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code A-9.10.22.
CSA CAN/CSA-B365-01 Installation Code for Solid-Fuel-Burning Appliances and Equipment A-
CSA C22.1-02 Canadian Electrical Code, Part I A-
CSA CAN/CSA-C282-00 Emergency Electrical Power Supply for Buildings A-
CSA CAN/CSA-F326-M91 Residential Mechanical Ventilation Systems A-
CSA CAN/CSA-O86-01 (Including Supplement CAN/CSA-O86S1-05) Engineering Design in Wood A-
CSA CAN/CSA-O141-05 Softwood Lumber A-
CSA O437.0-93 OSB and Waferboard A-
CSA CAN/CSA-S6-00 Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code A-Table
CSA CAN/CSA-S16-01 (Including Supplement CAN/CSA-S16S1-05) Limit States Design of Steel Structures A-
CSA S304.1-04 Design of Masonry Structures A- and (c)
CSA CAN/CSA-S406-92 Construction of Preserved Wood Foundations A-
CSA CAN/CSA-Z32-04 Electrical Safety and Essential Electrical Systems in Health Care Facilities A-
CSA CAN/CSA-Z240 MH Series-92 Mobile Homes A- (1)
CSA A60.1-M1976 Vitrified Clay Pipe Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
CSA A257.1-03 Non-Reinforced Circular Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, Sewer Pipe, and Fittings Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
CSA A257.2-03 Reinforced Circular Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, Sewer Pipe, and Fittings Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
CSA CAN/CSA-B64.4.1-01 Backflow Preventers, Reduced Pressure Principle Type for Fire Systems (RPF) Table A-
CSA CAN/CSA-B64.5.1-01 Backflow Preventers, Double Check Valve Type for Fire Systems (DCVAF) Table A-
CSA CAN/CSA-B64.6.1-01 Backflow Preventers, Dual Check Valve Type for Fire Systems (DuCF) Table A-
CSA CAN/CSA-B64.9-01 Backflow Preventers, Single Check Valve Type for Fire Systems (SCVAF) Table A-
CSA CAN/CSA-B64.10.1-01 Manual for the Maintenance and Field Testing of Backflow Prevention Devices A-
CSA CAN/CSA-B70-02 Cast Iron Soil Pipe, Fittings, and Means of Joining Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
CSA CAN/CSA-B125-01 Plumbing Fittings A-
CSA B127.1-99 Asbestos Cement Drain, Waste and Vent Pipe and Pipe Fittings Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
CSA B127.2-M1977 Components for Use in Asbestos Cement Building Sewer Systems Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
CSA CAN/CSA-B137.1-02 Polyethylene Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings for Cold-Water Pressure Services Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
CSA CAN/CSA-B137.2-02 PVC Injection-Moulded Gasketed Fittings for Pressure Applications Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
CSA CAN/CSA-B137.3-02 Rigid Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe for Pressure Applications Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
CSA CAN/CSA-B137.5-02 Crosslinked Polyethylene (PEX) Tubing Systems for Pressure Applications Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
CSA CAN/CSA-B137.6-02 CPVC Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings for Hot- and Cold-Water Distribution Systems Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
A- to
CSA B137.9-99 Polyethylene/Aluminum/Polyethylene Composite Pressure-Pipe Systems Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
CSA CAN/CSA-B137.10-02 Crosslinked Polyethylene/Aluminum/Crosslinked Polyethylene Composite Pressure-Pipe Systems Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
CSA CAN/CSA-B137.11-02 Polypropylene (PP-R) Pipe and Fittings for Pressure Applications Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
CSA CAN/CSA-B181.1-02 ABS Drain, Waste, and Vent Pipe and Pipe Fittings Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
A- to
CSA CAN/CSA-B181.2-02 PVC Drain, Waste, and Vent Pipe and Pipe Fittings Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
A- to
CSA CAN/CSA-B181.3-02 Polyolefin Laboratory Drainage Systems Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
CSA CAN/CSA-B182.1-02 Plastic Drain and Sewer Pipe and Pipe Fittings Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
CSA CAN/CSA-B182.2-02 PVC Sewer Pipe and Fittings (PSM Type) Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
CSA CAN/CSA-B182.4-02 Profile PVC Sewer Pipe and Fittings Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
CSA CAN/CSA-B182.6-02 Profile Polyethylene Sewer Pipe and Fittings For Leak-Proof Sewer Applications Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
CSA CAN/CSA-B182.7-02 Multilayer PVC Sewer Pipe (PSM Type) Having Reprocessed-Recycled Content Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
CSA G401-01 Corrugated Steel Pipe Products Table A-7.2.5., 7.2.6. and 7.2.7.
CWC 2004 The Span Book A-
CWC 2004 Engineering Guide for Wood Frame Construction A-
FCC Project 43-10C-024 (1988) Deflection Serviceability Criteria for Residential Floors A-
FM Global FM 2008 (1996) Early Suppression – Fast Response Sprinklers A-
HC H46-2/90-156E Exposure Guidelines for Residential Indoor Air Quality A-
Table A-
HC 1995 Fungal Contamination in Public Buildings: A Guide to Recognition and Management A-
IRC BPN 61 Shear Resistance of Wood Frame Walls A-
IRC CBD 222 Airtight Houses and Carbon Monoxide Poisoning A-
IRC CBD 230 Applying Building Codes to Existing Buildings A- (1)
IRC CBD 231 Moisture Problems in Houses A-
IRC 1988 Performance and Acceptability of Wood Floors – Forintek Studies A-
ISO 7731:2003 (E) Ergonomics – Danger signals for public and work areas – Auditory danger signals A-
ISO 8201:1987 (E) Acoustics – Audible emergency evacuation signal A-
McGraw-Hill 1998 National Plumbing Code Handbook, R. Dodge Woodson, Second Edition A-7.6.3.
NFPA 2001 Fire Protection Guide to Hazardous Materials A-
NFPA 2003 Fire Protection Handbook, Nineteenth Edition A-
NFPA 13-1999 Installation of Sprinkler Systems A-
NFPA 13D-2002 Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One-and Two-Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes A-
NFPA 13R-2002 Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Residential Occupancies up to and Including Four Stories in Height A-
NFPA 20-2003 Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection A-
NFPA 30-2003 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code A-
NFPA 30A-2003 Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages A-
NFPA 32-2003 Drycleaning Plants A-
NFPA 33-2003 Spray Application Using Flammable or Combustible Materials A-
NFPA 34-2003 Dipping and Coating Processes Using Flammable or Combustible Liquids A-
NFPA 35-1999 Manufacture of Organic Coatings A-
NFPA 36-2004 Solvent Extraction Plants A-
NFPA 40-2001 Storage and Handling of Cellulose Nitrate Film A-
NFPA 50A-1999 Gaseous Hydrogen Systems at Consumer Sites A-
NFPA 50B-1999 Liquefied Hydrogen Systems at Consumer Sites A-
NFPA 51-2002 Design and Installation of Oxygen-Fuel Gas Systems for Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes A-
NFPA 51A-2001 Acetylene Cylinder Charging Plants A-
NFPA 61-2002 Prevention of Fires and Dust Explosions in Agricultural and Food Products Facilities A-
NFPA 68-2002 Venting of Deflagrations A-
NFPA 69-2002 Explosion Prevention Systems A-
NFPA 80-1999 Fire Doors and Fire Windows A-
NFPA 80A-2001 Protection of Buildings from Exterior Fire Exposures A-3
NFPA 81-1986 Fur Storage, Fumigation and Cleaning A-
NFPA 85-2004 Boiler and Combustion Systems Hazards Code A-
NFPA 86-2003 Ovens and Furnaces A-
NFPA 88A-2002 Parking Structures A-
NFPA 91-1999 Exhaust Systems for Air Conveying of Vapors, Gases, Mists, and Noncombustible Particulate Solids A-
NFPA 96-2001 Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations A-
NFPA 204-2002 Smoke and Heat Venting A-
NFPA 303-2000 Marinas and Boatyards A-
NFPA 307-2000 Construction and Fire Protection of Marine Terminals, Piers, and Wharfs A-
NFPA 409-2001 Aircraft Hangars A-
NFPA 415-2002 Airport Terminal Buildings, Fueling, Ramp Drainage, Loading Walkways A-
NFPA 484-2002 Combustible Metals, Metal Powders, and Metal Dusts A-
NFPA 654-2000 Prevention of Fire and Dust Explosions from the Manufacturing, Processing, and Handling of Combustible Particulate Solids A-
NFPA 655-2001 Prevention of Sulfur Fires and Explosions A-
NFPA 664-2002 Prevention of Fires and Explosions in Wood Processing and Woodworking Facilities A-
NIST Building Materials and Structures Report BMS-79, 1941 Water-Distributing Systems for Buildings, R. B. Hunter A-7.6.3.
NLGA 2004 Standard Grading Rules for Canadian Lumber (Interpretation Included) A-
Table A-
NLGA SPS-1-2003 Fingerjoined Structural Lumber A-
NLGA SPS-3-2003 Fingerjoined “Vertical Stud Use Only” Lumber A-
NRCA 5th Edition Roofing and Waterproofing Manual A-
OMMAH   Supplementary Guidelines to the 1997 Ontario Building Code A-
ONHWP 1993 Details of Air Barrier Systems for Houses Table A-
ONHWP 1995 High-Rise Residential Construction Guide A-
SMACNA 6th Edition Architectural Sheet Metal Manual A-
TC   Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and its Regulations A-
UL ANSI/UL-199 (2003) Automatic Sprinklers for Fire-Protection Service A-
UL ANSI/UL-1626 (2003) Residential Sprinklers for Fire-Protection Service A-
ULC CAN/ULC-S101-04 Fire Endurance Tests of Building Construction and Materials A-
ULC CAN/ULC-S112-M90 Fire Test of Fire-Damper Assemblies Table B-
ULC CAN4-S113-79 Wood Core Doors Meeting the Performance Required by CAN4-S104-77 for Twenty Minute Fire Rated Closure Assemblies A-
ULC CAN4-S124-M85 Test for the Evaluation of Protective Coverings for Foamed Plastic A-
ULC ULC-S332-93 Burglary Resisting Glazing Material A-
ULC CAN/ULC-S524-01 Installation of Fire Alarm Systems A-
ULC CAN/ULC-S526-02 Visible Signal Devices for Fire Alarm Systems A-
ULC CAN/ULC-S702-97 Mineral Fibre Thermal Insulation for Buildings A-
WCLIB No. 17 (2004) Standard Grading Rules A-Table
WWPA 1998 Western Lumber Grading Rules A-Table
Notes to Table A-

(1)  By-law reference is in Division A.