Division B
Acceptable Solutions

Part 9 — Housing and Small Buildings

Section 9.10. Fire Protection

9.10.1. Definitions and Application Sloped Roofs

1) For the purposes of this Section, roofs with slopes of 60° or more to the horizontal that are adjacent to a room or space intended for occupancy shall be considered as a wall.I Items under Part 3 Jurisdiction

1) Tents, air-supported structures, transformer vaults, walkways, elevators and escalators shall conform to Part 3.I

2) Where rooms or spaces are intended for an assembly occupancy, such rooms or spaces shall conform to Part 3.I

3) Basements containing more than 1 storey or exceeding 600 m2 in area shall conform to Part 3.I

4) Where rooms or spaces are intended for the storage, manufacture or use of hazardous or explosive material, such rooms or spaces shall conform to Part 3. (See A- in Appendix A.)I

5) Except as provided in Article, facilities for the dispensing of fuel shall not be installed in any building.I

6) Openings through floors that are not protected by shafts or closures shall be protected in conformance with Subsection 3.2.8. (See also Sentence

7) Chutes and shafts shall conform to Subsection 3.6.3. except where they are entirely contained within a dwelling unit.I

8) Where sprinkler, standpipe and hose systems are installed, they shall be installed in conformance with the requirements in Subsection 3.2.5. that pertain to these systems. (See Appendix A.)I

9) Where fuel-fired appliances are installed on a roof, such appliances shall be installed in conformance with Article Items under Part 6 Jurisdiction

1) In kitchens containing commercial cooking equipment used in processes producing grease-laden vapours, the equipment shall be designed and installed in conformance with Article (See Appendix A.)I

9.10.2. Occupancy Classification Occupancy Classification

1) Except as provided in Article, every building or part thereof shall be classified according to its major occupancy as belonging to one of the groups or divisions described in Table

Occupancy Classifications
Forming Part of Sentence
Group Division Description of Major Occupancies(1)
C Residential occupancies
D Business and personal services occupancies
E Mercantile occupancies
F 2 Medium-hazard industrial occupancies
F 3 Low-hazard industrial occupancies (Does not include storage garages serving individual dwelling units)
Notes to Table

(1)  See A- in Appendix A. Custodial, Convalescent and Residential Care Homes

1) Children's custodial homes and convalescent homes for ambulatory occupants living as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit with sleeping accommodation for not more than 10 persons are permitted to be classified as residential occupancies (Group C).I

2) A care facility accepted for residential use pursuant to provincial legislation is permitted to be classified as a residential occupancy provided

a)the occupants live in a dwelling unit used as a single housekeeping unit with sleeping accommodation for not more than 10 persons,

b)interconnected smoke alarms are installed in each sleeping room in addition to the requirements of Article,

c)emergency lighting is provided in conformance with Article, and

d)the building is sprinklered throughout. Major Occupancies above Other Major Occupancies

1) Except as permitted in Article, in any building containing more than one major occupancy in which one major occupancy is located entirely above another, the requirements of Article for each portion of the building containing a major occupancy shall be applied to that portion as if the entire building was of that major occupancy.I Buildings Containing More Than One Major Occupancy

1) In a building containing more than one major occupancy, where the aggregate area of all major occupancies in a particular group or division does not exceed 10% of the floor area on the storey on which they are located, they need not be considered as major occupancies for the purposes of Articles and provided they are not classified as Group F, Division 2 occupancies.I

9.10.3. Ratings Fire-Resistance and Fire-Protection Ratings

1) Where a fire-resistance rating or a fire-protection rating is required in this Section for an element of a building, such rating shall be determined in conformance with the test methods described in Part 3, A- in Appendix A, or Appendix D.I Flame-Spread Ratings

1) Where a flame-spread rating is required in this Section for an element of a building, such rating shall be determined in accordance with the test methods described in Part 3, or in accordance with Appendix D.I

2) Unless the flame-spread rating is referred to herein as a “surface flame-spread rating,” it shall apply to any surface of the element being considered that would be exposed by cutting through it as well as to the exposed surface of the element.I Fire Exposure

1) Floor, roof and ceiling assemblies shall be rated for exposure to fire on the underside.I

2) Exterior walls shall be rated for exposure to fire from inside the building, except that such walls need not comply with the temperature rise limitations required by the standard tests referred to in Article if such walls have a limiting distance of not less than 1.2 m, and due allowance is made for the effects of heat radiation in accordance with the requirements in Part 3.I

3) Interior vertical fire separations required to have fire-resistance ratings shall be rated for exposure to fire on each side.I Suspended Membrane Ceilings

1) Where a ceiling construction has a suspended membrane ceiling with lay-in panels or tiles which contribute to the required fire-resistance rating, hold down clips or other means shall be provided to prevent the lifting of such panels or tiles in the event of a fire.I

9.10.4. Building Size Determination Mezzanines not Considered as Storeys

1) Except as required by Sentences (2) and, the space above a mezzanine is permitted to be excluded from the calculation of building height, providedI

a)the aggregate area of mezzanines that are not superimposed does not exceed 10% of the floor area of the building in which they are located, and

b)the area of mezzanine in a suite does not exceed 10% of the area of that suite on the storey on which it is located.

2) Except as provided in Sentence, a mezzanine need not be considered as a storey in calculating the building height provided

a)not less than 60% of the horizontal plane separating the mezzanine from the room or floor space in which it is located is open, and

b)except from within enclosures described in Sentence (3), the space above the mezzanine is used as an open area without partitions or subdividing walls higher than 1 070 mm above the mezzanine floor.

(See A- in Appendix A)

3) The space above a mezzanine conforming to Sentence (2) is permitted to include an enclosed space whose area does not exceed 10% of the open area of the room in which the mezzanine is located, provided the enclosed space does not obstruct visual communication between the open space above the mezzanine and the room in which it is located.I

4) For the purpose of determining occupant load, the areas of mezzanines that are not considered as storeys shall be added to the floor area of the storey on which they are located. (See Appendix A.)I

5) Platforms and catwalks intended solely for periodic inspection and maintenance need not be considered as floor assemblies or mezzanines for the purpose of calculating building height, providedI

a)they are not used for storage, and

b)they are constructed with noncombustible materials, unless the building is permitted to be of combustible construction. More Than One Level of Mezzanine

1) Each level of mezzanine that is partly or wholly superimposed above the first level of mezzanine shall be considered as a storey in calculating the building height.I Basement Storage Garages

1) Where a basement is used primarily as a storage garage, the basement is permitted to be considered as a separate building for the purposes of this Section provided the floor above the basement and the exterior walls of the basement above the adjoining ground level are constructed as fire separations of masonry or concrete having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 2 h, except as permitted by Sentences and (3). Roof-Top Enclosures

1) Roof-top enclosures provided for elevator machinery, stairways and service rooms, used for no purpose other than for service to the building, shall not be considered as a storey in calculating the building height.I

9.10.5. Permitted Openings in Wall and Ceiling Membranes Permitted Openings in Wall and Ceiling Membranes

1) Except as permitted in Sentences (2) and (4), a membrane forming part of an assembly required to have a fire-resistance rating shall not be pierced by openings into the assembly unless the assembly has been tested and rated for such openings.I

2) A wall or ceiling membrane forming part of an assembly required to have a fire-resistance rating is permitted to be pierced by openings for electrical and similar service outlet boxes provided such outlet boxes are tightly fitted.I

3) Where boxes referred to in Sentence (2) are located on both sides of walls required to provide a fire-resistance rating, they shall be offset where necessary to maintain the integrity of the fire separation.I

4) A membrane ceiling forming part of an assembly assigned a fire-resistance rating on the basis of Table A- or Appendix D, is permitted to be pierced by openings leading to ducts within the ceiling space provided the ducts, the amount of openings and their protection conform to the requirements of Appendix D.I

9.10.6. Construction Types Combustible Elements in Noncombustible Construction

1) Where a building or part of a building is required to be of noncombustible construction, combustible elements shall be limited in conformance with the requirements in Subsection 3.1.5.I Heavy Timber Construction

1) Heavy timber construction shall be considered to have a 45 min fire-resistance rating when it is constructed in accordance with the requirements for heavy timber construction in Article

9.10.7. Steel Members Protection of Steel Members

1) Except as permitted in Article, structural steel members used in construction required to have a fire-resistance rating shall be protected to provide the required fire-resistance rating.I

9.10.8. Fire Resistance and Combustibility in Relation to Occupancy, Height and Supported Elements Fire-Resistance Ratings for Floors and Roofs

1) Except as otherwise provided in this Subsection, the fire-resistance ratings of floors and roofs shall conform to Table (See Subsection 9.10.2. for mixed occupancies and Subsection 9.10.21. for construction camps.)I

Fire-Resistance Ratings for Structural Members and Assemblies
Forming Part of Sentence
Major Occupancy Maximum Building
, storeys
Minimum Fire-Resistance Rating by Building Element,min
Floors Except Floors
over Crawl Spaces
Mezzanine Floors Roofs
Residential (Group C) 3 45 45
All other occupancies 2 45
3 45 45 45 Fire-Resistance Ratings in Sprinklered Buildings

1) The requirements in Table for roof assemblies to have a fire-resistance rating are permitted to be waived in sprinklered buildings whereI

a)the sprinkler system is electrically supervised in conformance with Sentence, and

b)the operation of the sprinkler system will cause a signal to be transmitted to the fire department in conformance with Sentence Fire-Resistance Ratings for Walls, Columns and Arches

1) Except as otherwise provided in this Subsection, all loadbearing walls, columns and arches in the storey immediately below a floor or roof assembly shall have a fire-resistance rating of not less than that required for the supported floor or roof assembly.I Support of Noncombustible Construction

1) Where an assembly is required to be of noncombustible construction and to have a fire-resistance rating, it shall be supported by noncombustible construction.I Service Rooms

1) Construction supporting a service room need not conform to Article Mezzanines

1) Mezzanines required to be counted as storeys in Articles and shall be constructed in conformance with the requirements for “Floors Except Floors over Crawl Spaces” in Table Roofs Supporting an Occupancy

1) Where a portion of a roof supports an occupancy, that portion shall be constructed as a fire separation having a fire-resistance rating conforming to the rating for “Floors Except Floors over Crawl Spaces” in Table Floors of Exterior Passageways

1) Except as provided in Sentences (2) and (3), the floor assembly of every exterior passageway used as part of a means of egress shall have a fire-resistance rating of not less than 45 min or be of noncombustible construction.I

2) No fire-resistance rating is required for floors of exterior passageways serving buildings of Group D, E or F major occupancy that are not more than 2 storeys in building height.I

3) No fire-resistance rating is required for floors of exterior passageways serving a single dwelling unit where no suite is located above or below the dwelling unit.I Crawl Spaces

1) Where a crawl space exceeds 1.8 m in height or is used for any occupancy or as a plenum in combustible construction or for the passage of flue pipes, it shall be considered as a basement in applying the requirements in Article Application to Houses

1) Table not apply to a dwelling unit which has no other dwelling unit above or below it, or to a dwelling unit which is not above or below another major occupancy.I Part 3 as an Alternative

1) The fire-resistance ratings of floors, roofs, loadbearing walls, columns and arches need not conform to this Subsection if such assemblies conform in all respects to the appropriate requirements in Section 3.2.I

9.10.9. Fire Separations between Rooms and Spaces within Buildings Application

1) This Subsection applies to fire separations required between rooms and spaces in buildings except between rooms and spaces within a dwelling unit.I Continuous Barrier

1) Except as permitted in Article, a wall or floor assembly required to be a fire separation shall be constructed as a continuous barrier against the spread of fire.I

2 ) The continuity of a fire separation shall be maintained where it abuts another fire separation, a floor, a ceiling, a roof, or an exterior wall assembly. (See A- in Appendix A.)I Openings to be Protected with Closures

1) Except as permitted in Article, and openings in required fire separations shall be protected with closures conforming to Subsection 9.10.13.I Floor Assemblies

1) Except as permitted in Sentences (2) to (4), all floor assemblies shall be constructed as fire separations.I

2) Floor assemblies contained within dwelling units need not be constructed as fire separations.I

3) Floor assemblies for which no fire-resistance rating is required by Subsection 9.10.8. and floors of mezzanines not required to be counted as storeys in Articles and need not be constructed as fire separations.I

4) Where a crawl space is not required by Article to be constructed as a basement, the floor above it need not be constructed as a fire separation.I Interconnected Floor Spaces

1) Interconnected floor spaces shall conform to Subsection 3.2.8.I Service Equipment Penetrating a Fire Separation
(See A-3.1.9. in Appendix A.)

1) Piping, tubing, ducts, chimneys, wiring, conduit, electrical outlet boxes and other similar service equipment that penetrate a required fire separation shall be tightly fitted or fire stopped to maintain the integrity of the separation. (See Appendix A.)I

2) Except as provided in Sentences (3) to (9) and Article, pipes, ducts, electrical boxes, totally enclosed raceways or other similar service equipment that partly or wholly penetrate an assembly required to have a fire-resistance rating shall be noncombustible unless the assembly has been tested incorporating such equipment. (See A- in Appendix A.)I

3) Electrical wires or similar wiring enclosed in noncombustible totally enclosed raceways are permitted to partly or wholly penetrate an assembly required to have a fire-resistance rating without being incorporated in the assembly at the time of testing as required in Sentence (2).I

4) Electrical wires or cables, single or grouped, with combustible insulation or jacketting that is not totally enclosed in raceways of noncombustible material, are permitted to partly or wholly penetrate an assembly required to have a fire-resistance rating without being incorporated in the assembly at the time of testing as required in Sentence (2), provided the overall diameter of the wiring is not more than 25 mm.I

5) Combustible totally enclosed raceways which are embedded in a concrete floor slab are permitted in an assembly required to have a fire-resistance rating without being incorporated in the assembly at the time of testing as required in Sentence (2), where the concrete provides not less than 50 mm of cover between the raceway and the bottom of the slab.I

6) Combustible outlet boxes are permitted in an assembly required to have a fire-resistance rating without being incorporated in the assembly at the time of testing as required in Sentence (2), provided the opening through the membrane into the box does not exceed 160 cm2.I

7) Combustible water distribution piping that has an outside diameter not more than 30 mm is permitted to partly or wholly penetrate a vertical fire separation that is required to have a fire-resistance rating without being incorporated in the assembly at the time of testing as required in Sentence (2) provided the piping is sealed in conformance with Article

8) Combustible sprinkler piping is permitted to penetrate a fire separation provided the fire compartments on each side of the fire separation are sprinklered.I

9) Combustible piping for central vacuum systems is permitted to penetrate a fire separation provided the installation conforms to the requirements that apply to combustible drain, waste and vent piping specified in Sentences to (6).I Combustible Drain, Waste and Vent Piping
(See A-3.1.9. in Appendix A. )

1) Except as permitted in Sentences (2) to (6), combustible piping shall not be used in any part of a drain, waste and vent piping system where any part of that system partly or wholly penetrates a fire separation required to have a fire-resistance rating or penetrates a membrane that contributes to the required fire-resistance rating of an assembly.I

2) Combustible drain, waste and vent piping not located in a vertical shaft is permitted to penetrate a fire separation required to have a fire-resistance rating or a membrane that forms part of an assembly required to have a fire-resistance rating provided the piping is sealed at the penetration by a firestop system that has an F rating not less than the fire-resistance rating required for the fire separation.I

3) The rating referred to in Sentence (2) shall be based on ULC-S115, “Fire Tests of Firestop Systems,” with a pressure differential of 50 Pa between the exposed and unexposed sides, with the higher pressure on the exposed side.I

4) Combustible drain piping is permitted to penetrate a horizontal fire separation or a membrane that contributes to the required fire-resistance rating of a horizontal fire separation, provided it leads directly from a noncombustible watercloset through a concrete floor slab.I

5) Combustible drain, waste and vent piping is permitted on one side of a vertical fire separation provided it is not located in a vertical shaft.I

6) In buildings containing 2 dwelling units only, combustible drain, waste and vent piping is permitted on one side of a horizontal fire separation.I Collapse of Combustible Construction

1) Combustible construction that abuts on or is supported by a noncombustible fire separation shall be constructed so that its collapse under fire conditions will not cause collapse of the fire separation.I Reduction in Thickness of Fire Separation by Beams and Joists

1) Where pockets for the support of beams or joists are formed in a masonry or concrete fire separation, the remaining total thickness of solid masonry and/or grout and/or concrete shall be not less than the required equivalent thickness shown for Type S monolithic concrete in Table D-2.1.1.in Appendix D for the required fire-resistance rating. I Concealed Spaces above Fire Separations

1) Except as provided in Sentence (2), a horizontal service space or other concealed space located above a required vertical fire separation shall be divided at the fire separation by an equivalent fire separation within the space.I

2) Where a horizontal service space or other concealed space is located above a required vertical fire separation other than a vertical shaft, such space need not be divided as required in Sentence (1) provided the construction between such space and the space below is constructed as a fire separation having a fire-resistance rating not less than that required for the vertical fire separation, except that where the vertical fire separation is not required to have a fire-resistance rating greater than 45 min, the fire-resistance rating of the ceiling may be reduced to 30 min.I Separation of Residential Occupancies

1) Except as provided in Sentence (2), residential occupancies shall be separated from all other major occupancies by a fire separation having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 1 h.I

2) Except as provided in Sentence (3), a major occupancy classified as a residential occupancy shall be separated from other major occupancies classified as mercantile or medium-hazard industrial occupancies by a fire separation having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 2 h.I

3) Where not more than 2 dwelling units are located in a building containing a mercantile occupancy, such mercantile occupancy shall be separated from the dwelling units by a fire separation having not less than 1 h fire-resistance rating.I Residential Suites in Industrial Buildings

1) Not more than one suite of residential occupancy shall be contained within a building classified as a Group F, Division 2 major occupancy.I Separation of Suites

1) Except as required in Article and as permitted by Sentence (2), each suite in other than business and personal services occupancies shall be separated from adjoining suites by a fire separation having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 45 min.I

2) In sprinklered buildings, suites of business and personal services occupancy and mercantile occupancy that are served by public corridors conforming with Clause are not required to be separated from each other by fire separations.I Separation of Residential Suites

1) Except as provided in Sentences (2) and (3) and Article, suites in residential occupancies shall be separated from adjacent rooms and suites by a fire separation having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 45 min.I

2) Sleeping rooms in boarding and lodging houses where sleeping accommodation is provided for not more than 8 boarders or lodgers need not be separated from the remainder of the floor area as required in Sentence (1) where the sleeping rooms form part of the proprietor's residence and do not contain cooking facilities.I

3) Dwelling units that contain 2 or more storeys including basements shall be separated from the remainder of the building by a fire separation having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 1 h. (See A- in Appendix A.)I Separation of Public Corridors

1) Except as provided in Sentences (2) and (3), public corridors shall be separated from the remainder of the building by a fire separation having not less than a 45 min fire-resistance rating.I

2) In other than residential occupancies, no fire-resistance rating is required for fire separations between a public corridor and the remainder of the building ifI

a)the floor area is sprinklered,

b)the sprinkler system is electrically supervised in conformance with Sentence, and

c)the operation of the sprinkler system will cause a signal to be transmitted to the fire department in conformance with Sentence

3) In other than residential occupancies, no fire separation is required between a public corridor and the remainder of the building ifI

a)the floor area is sprinklered,

b)the sprinkler system is electrically supervised in conformance with Sentence,

c)the operation of the sprinkler system will cause a signal to be transmitted to the fire department in conformance with Sentence, and

d)the corridor exceeds 5 m in width. Separation of Storage Garages

1) Except as provided in Sentences (2) and (3), a storage garage shall be separated from other occupancies by a fire separation having not less than a 1.5 h fire-resistance rating.I

2) Except as permitted in Sentence (3), storage garages containing 5 motor vehicles or fewer shall be separated from other occupancies by a fire separation of not less than 1 h.I

3) Where a storage garage serves only the dwelling unit to which it is attached or in which it is built, it shall be considered as part of that dwelling unit and the fire separation required in Sentence (2) need not be provided between the garage and the dwelling unit.I

4) Except as provided in Sentence (5), where a storage garage is attached to or built into a building of residential occupancy,I

a)an air barrier system conforming to Subsection 9.25.3. shall be installed between the garage and the remainder of the building to provide an effective barrier to gas and exhaust fumes, and

b)every door between the garage and the remainder of the building shall conform to Article

(See Appendix A.)

5) Where membrane materials are used to provide the required airtightness in the air barrier system, all joints shall be sealed and structurally supported.I Separation of Repair Garages

1) Except as provided in Sentences (2) and (3), a repair garage shall be separated from other occupancies by a fire separation having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 2 h.I

2) Ancillary spaces directly serving a repair garage, including waiting rooms, reception rooms, tool and parts storage areas and supervisory office space, need not be separated from the repair garage but shall be separated from other occupancies as required in Sentence (1).I

3) The fire separation referred to in Sentence (1) shall have a fire-resistance rating of not less than 1 h, whereI

a)the building is not more than one storey in building height,

b)the building is operated as a single suite, and

c)the only occupancy other than the repair garage is a mercantile occupancy.

4) Except as provided in Sentence (5), where a building containing a repair garage also contains a dwelling unit, an air barrier system conforming to Subsection 9.25.3. shall be installed between the dwelling unit and the suite containing the garage to provide an effective barrier to gas and exhaust fumes. (See A- in Appendix A.)I

5) Where membrane materials are used to provide the required airtightness in the air barrier system, all joints shall be sealed and structurally supported.I Exhaust Ducts Serving More Than One Fire Compartment

1) Where a vertical service space contains an exhaust duct that serves more than one fire compartment, the duct shall have a fan located at or near the exhaust outlet to ensure that the duct is under negative pressure.I

2) Individual fire compartments referred to in Sentence (1) shall not have fans that exhaust directly into the duct in the vertical service space.I Central Vacuum Systems

1) A central vacuum system shall serve not more than one suite.I Multiple Tenant Self Storage Warehouses

1) Multiple tenant self storage warehouses shall comply with Article

9.10.10. Service Rooms Application

1) This Subsection applies to service rooms in all buildings except rooms located within a dwelling unit.I Service Room Floors

1) The fire-resistance rating requirements in this Subsection do not apply to the floor assembly immediately below a service room.I Separation of Service Rooms

1) Except as provided in Sentence (2) and Articles and, service rooms shall be separated from the remainder of the building by a fire separation having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 1 h when the floor area containing the service room is not sprinklered.I

2) Where a room contains a limited quantity of service equipment and the service equipment does not constitute a fire hazard, the requirements in Sentence (1) shall not apply.I Appliances and Equipment to be Located in a Service Room

1) Except as provided in Sentence (2) and Article, fuel-fired appliances other than fireplaces shall be located in a service room separated from the remainder of the building by a fire separation having not less than a 1 h fire-resistance rating.I

2) Except as required in the appliance installation standards referenced in Sentences, and, fuel-fired space-heating appliances, space-cooling appliances and service water heaters need not be separated from the remainder of the building as required in Sentence (1), where the equipment servesI

a)not more than one room or suite, or

b)a building with a building area of not more than 400 m2 and a building height of not more than 2 storeys. Incinerators

1) Service rooms containing incinerators shall be separated from the remainder of the building by a fire separation having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 2 h.I

2) The design, construction, installation and alteration of each indoor incinerator shall conform to NFPA 82, “Incinerators and Waste and Linen Handling Systems and Equipment.”I

3) Every incinerator shall be connected to a chimney flue conforming to the requirements in Section 9.21. and serving no other appliance.I

4) An incinerator shall not be located in a room with other fuel-fired appliances.I Storage Rooms

1) Rooms for the temporary storage of combustible refuse in all occupancies or for public storage in residential occupancies shall be separated from the remainder of the building by a fire separation having not less than a 1 h fire-resistance rating, except that a 45 min fire separation is permitted where the fire-resistance rating of the floor assembly is not required to exceed 45 min, or where such rooms are sprinklered.I

9.10.11. Firewalls Required Firewalls

1) Except as provided in Article, a party wall on a property line shall be constructed as a firewall.I Firewalls Not Required

1) In a building of residential occupancy in which there is no dwelling unit above another dwelling unit, a party wall on a property line between dwelling units need not be constructed as a firewall provided it is constructed as a fire separation having not less than a 1 h fire-resistance rating.I

2) The wall described in Sentence (1) shall provide continuous protection from the top of the footings to the underside of the roof deck.I

3) Any space between the top of the wall described in Sentence (1) and the roof deck shall be tightly filled with mineral wool or noncombustible material.I Construction of Firewalls

1) Where firewalls are used, the requirements in Part 3 shall apply.I

9.10.12. Prevention of Fire Spread at Exterior Walls and between Storeys Termination of Floors or Mezzanines

1) Except as provided in Sentence (2) and in Articles and, the portions of a floor area or mezzanine that do not terminate at an exterior wall, a firewall or a vertical shaft, shall terminate at a vertical fire separation having a fire-resistance rating not less than that required for the floor assembly that terminates at the separation.I

2) A mezzanine need not terminate at a vertical fire separation where the mezzanine is not required to be considered as a storey in Articles and Location of Skylights

1) Where a wall in a building is exposed to a fire hazard from an adjoining roof of a separate unsprinklered fire compartment in the same building, the roof shall contain no skylights within a horizontal distance of 5 m of the windows in the exposed wall.I Exterior Walls Meeting at an Angle

1) Except as provided in Article, where exterior walls of a building meet at an external angle of 135° or less, the horizontal distance from an opening in one wall to an opening in the other wall shall be not less than 1.2 m, where the openings are in different fire compartments.I

2) The exterior wall of each fire compartment referred to in Sentence (1) within the 1.2 m distance shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than that required for the interior vertical fire separation between the compartment and the remainder of the building.I Protection of Soffits

1) This Article applies to the portion of any soffit enclosing a projection that isI

a)less than 2.5 m vertically above a window or door, and

b)less than 1.2 m from either side of the window or door.

(See Appendix A.)

2) Except as provided in Sentences (4) and (5), the construction described in Sentence (1) shall have no unprotected openings and shall be protected in accordance with Sentence (3), where the soffit encloses I

a)a common attic or roof space that spans more than 2 suites of residential occupancy and projects beyond the exterior wall of the building,

b) a floor space where an upper storey projects beyond the exterior wall of a lower storey and a fire separation is required at the floor between the two, or

c) a floor space where an upper storey projects beyond the exterior wall of a lower storey, and the projection is continuous across a vertical fire separation separating two suites.

3) Protection required by Sentence (2) shall be provided by I

a) noncombustible material having a minimum thickness of 0.38 mm and a melting point not below 650°C,

b)not less than 12.7 mm thick gypsum soffit board or gypsum wallboard installed according to CSA A82.31-M, “Gypsum Board Application,”

c)not less than 11 mm thick plywood,

d)not less than 12.5 mm thick OSB or waferboard, or

e)not less than 11 mm thick lumber.

(See Appendix A.)

4) In the case of a soffit described in Sentence (1) that is at the edge of an attic or roof space and completely separated from the remainder of that attic or roof space by fire stopping, the requirements in Sentence (2) do not apply.I

5) Where all suites spanned by a common attic or roof space or situated above or below the projecting floor are sprinklered, the requirements of Sentence (2) do not apply, provided that all rooms, including closets and bathrooms, having openings in the wall beneath the soffit are sprinklered, notwithstanding any exceptions in the sprinkler standards referenced in Article

9.10.13. Doors, Dampers and Other Closures in Fire Separations Closures

1) Except as provided in Article, openings in required fire separations shall be protected with a closure conforming to Table and shall be installed in conformance with Chapters 2 to 14 of NFPA 80, “Fire Doors and Fire Windows,” unless otherwise specified herein. (See also Article

Fire-Protection Ratings for Closures
Forming Part of Sentence
Required Fire-Resistance Rating of Fire Separation Minimum Fire-Protection Rating of Closure
30 or 45 min 20 min(1)
1 h 45 min(1)
1.5 h 1 h
2 h 1.5 h
3 h 2 h
4 h 3 h
Notes to Table

(1)  See Article Solid Core Wood Door as a Closure

1) A 45 mm thick solid core wood door is permitted to be used where a minimum fire-protection rating of 20 min is permitted or between a public corridor and a suite provided that the door conforms to CAN4-S113, “Wood Core Doors Meeting the Performance Required by CAN4-S104-77 for Twenty Minute Fire Rated Closure Assemblies.” (See Appendix A.)I

2) Doors described in Sentence (1) shall have not more than a 6 mm clearance beneath and not more than 3 mm at the sides and top.I Unrated Wood Door Frames

1) Doors required to provide a 20 min fire-protection rating or permitted to be 45 mm solid core wood shall be mounted in a wood frame of not less than 38 mm thickness where the frame has not been tested and rated.I Doors as a Means of Egress

1) Doors forming part of an exit or a public means of egress shall conform to Subsection 9.9.6. in addition to this Subsection.I Wired Glass as a Closure

1) Wired glass conforming to Article which has not been tested in accordance with Article is permitted as a closure in a vertical fire separation required to have a fire-resistance rating of not more than 1 h provided such glass is not less than 6 mm thick and is mounted in conformance with Sentence (2).I

2) Wired glass described in Sentence (1) shall be mounted in fixed steel frames having a metal thickness of not less than 1.35 mm and a glazing stop of not less than 20 mm on each side of the glass.I

3) Individual panes of glass described in Sentence (1) shall not exceed 0.8 m2 in area or 1.4 m in height or width, and the area of glass not structurally supported by mullions shall not exceed 7.5 m2.I Steel Door Frames

1) Steel door frames forming part of a closure in a fire separation, including anchorage requirements, shall conform to CAN4-S105-M, “Fire Door Frames Meeting the Performance Required by CAN4-S104.”I Glass Block as a Closure

1) Glass block that has not been tested in accordance with Article is permitted as a closure in a fire separation required to have a fire-resistance rating of not more than 1 h. (See Article Maximum Size of Opening

1) The size of an opening in an interior fire separation, even where protected with a closure, shall not exceed 11 m2, with no dimension greater than 3.7 m, when the fire compartments on both sides of the fire separation are not sprinklered.I

2) The size of an opening in an interior fire separation, even where protected with a closure, shall not exceed 22 m2, with no dimension greater than 6 m, when the fire compartments on both sides of the fire separation are sprinklered.I Door Latch

1) Every swing type door in a fire separation shall be equipped with a latch.I Self-Closing Device

1) Except as described in Sentence (2), every door in a fire separation shall have a self-closing device.I

2) Self-closing doors are not required between public corridors and suites in business and personal services occupancies, except in dead-end corridors.I Hold-Open Devices

1) Where hold-open devices are used on doors in required fire separations, they shall be installed in accordance with Article Service Room Doors

1) Swing-type doors shall open into service rooms containing fuel-fired equipment where such doors lead to public corridors or rooms used for assembly but shall swing outward from such rooms in all other cases.I Fire Dampers

1) Except as permitted by Sentences (2) to (5) and Sentence, a duct that penetrates an assembly required to be a fire separation with a fire-resistance rating shall be equipped with a fire damper in conformance with Articles and

2) A fire damper is not required where a noncombustible branch duct pierces a required fire separation provided the ductI

a)has a melting point not below 760°C,

b)has a cross-sectional area less than 130 cm2, and

c)supplies only air-conditioning units or combined air-conditioning and heating units discharging air at not more than 1.2 m above the floor.

3) A fire damper is not required where a noncombustible branch duct pierces a required fire separation around an exhaust duct riser in which the airflow is upward providedI

a)the melting point of the branch duct is not below 760°C,

b)the branch duct is carried up inside the riser not less than 500 mm, and

c)the exhaust duct is under negative pressure as described in Article

4) Noncombustible ducts that penetrate a fire separation separating a vertical service space from the remainder of the building need not be equipped with a fire damper at the fire separation providedI

a)the ducts have a melting point above 760°C, and

b)each individual duct exhausts directly to the outside at the top of the vertical service space.

5) A duct serving commercial cooking equipment and piercing a required fire separation need not be equipped with a fire damper at the fire separation. (See also Article Fire Stop Flaps

1) Fire stop flaps in ceiling membranes required in Sentence shall be constructed in conformance with Appendix D, Fire-Performance Ratings.I Doors between Garages and Dwelling Units

1) A door between an attached or built-in garage and a dwelling unit shall be tight fitting and weather-stripped to provide an effective barrier against the passage of gas and exhaust fumes and shall be fitted with a self-closing device.I

2) A doorway between an attached or built-in garage and a dwelling unit shall not be located in a room intended for sleeping.I Door Stops

1) Where a door is installed so that it may damage the integrity of a fire separation if its swing is unrestricted, door stops shall be installed to prevent such damage.I

9.10.14. Spatial Separation Between Buildings Application

1) This Subsection applies to buildings other than those to which Subsection 9.10.15. applies.I Area and Location of Exposing Building Face

1) The area of an exposing building face shall beI

a)taken as the exterior wall area facing in one direction on any side of a building, and

b)calculated as

i)the total area measured from the finished ground level to the uppermost ceiling, or

ii)the area for each fire compartment, where a building is divided into fire compartments by fire separations with fire-resistance ratings not less than 45 min.

2) For the purpose of using Table to determine the maximum aggregate area of unprotected openings in an irregularly shaped or skewed exterior wall, the location of the exposing building face shall be taken as a vertical plane located so that there are no unprotected openings between the vertical plane and the line to which the limiting distance is measured. (See A- in Appendix A.)I

3) For the purpose of using Table to determine the required type of construction, cladding and fire-resistance rating for an irregularly shaped or skewed exterior wall,I

a) the location of the exposing building face shall be taken as a vertical plane located so that no portion of the actual exposing building face is between the vertical plane and the line to which the limiting distance is measured, and

b)the value for the maximum area of unprotected openings (see second column of Table shall be determined using the limiting distance measured from the location described in Clause (a). (See A- in Appendix A.) Limiting Distance where Firefighting Facilities are Inadequate

1) Except for the purpose of applying Sentences, (5) and (6), and Sentence, a limiting distance equal to half the actual limiting distance shall be used as input to the requirements of this Subsection, whereI

a)there is no fire department or the fire department is not organized, trained and equipped to meet the needs of the community, and

b)the building is not sprinklered. Openings in Exposing Building Face

1) Except as provided in Sentences (3) to (7), the maximum aggregate area of unprotected openings in an exposing building face shallI

a)conform to Table,

b)conform to Subsection 3.2.3., or

c)be equal to or less than

i)the limiting distance squared, for residential occupancies, business and personal services occupancies and low-hazard industrial occupancies, and

ii)half the limiting distance squared, for mercantile occupancies and medium-hazard industrial occupancies.

2) Openings in a wall having a limiting distance of less than 1.2 m shall be protected by closures, of other than wired glass or glass block, whose fire-protection rating is in conformance with the fire-resistance rating required for the wall. (See Table

3) The maximum aggregate area of unprotected openings shall be not more than twice the area determined according to Sentence (1), where the unprotected openings are glazed withI

a)wired glass in steel frames, as described in Article, or

b)glass blocks, as described in Article

4) Where the building is sprinklered, the maximum aggregate area of unprotected openings shall be not more than twice the area determined according to Sentence (1), provided all rooms, including closets and bathrooms, that are adjacent to the exposing building face and that have unprotected openings are sprinklered, notwithstanding any exemptions in the sprinkler standards referenced in Article

5) If a storage garage has a limiting distance of not less than 3 m, the exposing building face of such storage garage may have unlimited unprotected openings.I

6) The maximum aggregate area of unprotected openings in an exposing building face of a storey that faces a street and is at the same level as the street need not comply with Sentence (1), where the limiting distance is not less than 9 m.I

7) Except as provided in Sentence (8), for garages or accessory buildings that serve a single dwelling unit only and are detached from any building, the maximum aggregate area of glazed openings shall comply with the requirements for unprotected openings.I

8) The limits on the area of glazed openings stated in Sentence (7) need not apply to the exposing building face of a detached garage or accessory building facing a dwelling unit, whereI

a)the detached garage or accessory building serves only one dwelling unit,

b)the detached garage or accessory building is located on the same property as that dwelling unit, and

c)the dwelling unit served by the detached garage or accessory building is the only major occupancy on the property.

9) Where a building of residential occupancy is sprinklered and the limiting distance is less than 1.2 m but not less than 1 m, the maximum percentage of unprotected openings may be 10% if windows are glazed with tempered, wired or laminated glass or glass block.I

Maximum Aggregate Area of Unprotected Openings in Exterior Walls
Forming Part of Sentence
Occupancy Classification of Building Maximum Total Area of Exposing Building Face, m2 Maximum Aggregate Area of Unprotected Openings, % of Exposing Building Face Area
Limiting Distance, m
Less than 1.2 1.2 1.5 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 25.0
Residential, business and personal services, and low-hazard industrial 30 0 7 9 12 39 88 100
40 0 7 8 11 32 69 100
50 0 7 8 10 28 57 100
100 0 7 8 9 18 34 56 84 100
Over 100 0 7 7 8 12 19 28 40 55 92 100
Mercantile and medium-hazard industrial 30 0 4 4 6 20 44 80 100
40 0 4 4 6 16 34 61 97 100
50 0 4 4 5 14 29 50 79 100
100 0 4 4 4 9 17 28 42 60 100
Over 100 0 4 4 4 6 10 14 20 27 46 70 100 Construction of Exposing Building Face and Walls above Exposing Building Face

1) Except as permitted in Sentences (3) to (8), each exposing building face and any exterior wall located above an exposing building face that encloses an attic or roof space shall be constructed in conformance with Table and Subsection 9.10.8.I

2) Cladding on exposing building faces and on exterior walls located above exposing building faces need not conform to the type of cladding required by Table, whereI

a)the exposing building face is constructed with no unprotected openings,

b)the limiting distance is not less than 0.6 m, and

c)the cladding

i)conforms to Subsection 9.27.13.,

ii) is installed without furring members over at least 12.7 mm gypsum sheathing or over masonry,

iii) has a flame-spread rating not greater than 25 when tested in accordance with Sentence, and

iv) does not exceed 2 mm in thickness exclusive of fasteners, joints and local reinforcements.

3) Except as provided in Sentence (4), where a garage or accessory building serves one dwelling unit only and is detached from any building, the exposing building faceI

a)need not conform to the minimum required fire-resistance rating stated in Table, where the limiting distance is 0.6 m or more,

b)shall have a fire-resistance rating of not less than 45 min, where the limiting distance is less than 0.6 m, and

c)need not conform to the type of cladding required by Table, regardless of the limiting distance.

4) The requirements regarding fire-resistance rating, type of construction and type of cladding need not apply to the exposing building face of a detached garage or accessory building facing a dwelling unit, whereI

a)the detached garage or accessory building serves only one dwelling unit,

b)the detached garage or accessory building is located on the same property as that dwelling unit, and

c)the dwelling unit served by the detached garage or accessory building is the only major occupancy on the property.

5) Except for buildings containing 1 or 2 dwelling units only, combustible projections on the exterior of a wall that are more than 1 m above ground level, such as balconies, platforms, canopies, eave projections and stairs, and that could expose an adjacent building to fire spread, shall not be permitted withinI

a)1.2 m of a property line or the centre line of a public way, or

b)2.4 m of a combustible projection on another building on the same property.

6) Heavy timber and steel columns need not conform to the requirements of Sentence (1), provided the limiting distance is not less than 3 m.I

7) Non-loadbearing wall components need not have a minimum fire-resistance rating, where the buildingI

a)is 1 storey in building height,

b)is of noncombustible construction,

c)is classified as a low-hazard industrial occupancy and used only for low fire load occupancies, such as power-generating plants or plants for the manufacture or storage of noncombustible materials, and

d)has a limiting distance of 3 m or more.

8) Where a residential building is sprinklered, and Table requires noncombustible construction, the exposing building faces may use a wood stud wall assembly having a one hour fire-resistance rating provided the limiting distance is at least 1.0 m, the studs are filled with noncombustible insulation, and the wall assembly is clad with noncombustible claddingI

Minimum Construction Requirements for Exposing Building Faces
Forming Part of Sentence
Occupancy Classification of Building Maximum Area of Unprotected Openings Permitted, % of Exposing Building Face Area Minimum Required Fire-Resistance Rating Type of Construction Required Type of Cladding Required
Residential, business and personal services, and low-hazard industrial 0 - 10 1 h Noncombustible Noncombustible
11 - 25 1 h Combustible or noncombustible Noncombustible
26 - < 100 45 min Combustible or noncombustible Combustible or noncombustible
Mercantile, and medium-hazard industrial 0 - 10 2 h Noncombustible Noncombustible
11 - 25 2 h Combustible or noncombustible Noncombustible
26 - < 100 1 h Combustible or noncombustible Combustible or noncombustible

9.10.15. Spatial Separation Between Houses Application

1) This Subsection applies to buildings that contain only dwelling units and have no dwelling unit above another dwelling unit, or one-family dwelling with secondary suites. (See Appendix A.)I Area and Location of Exposing Building Face

1) The area of an exposing building face shall beI

a)taken as the exterior wall area facing in one direction on any side of a building, and

b)calculated as

i)the total area measured from the finished ground level to the uppermost ceiling,

ii)the area for each fire compartment, where a building is divided into fire compartments by fire separations with fire-resistance ratings not less than 45 min, or

iii)where Table is used to determine the maximum aggregate area of glazed openings, the area of any number of individual vertical portions of the wall measured from the finished ground level to the uppermost ceiling. (See A- in Appendix A.)

2) For the purpose of using Table to determine the maximum permitted area of glazed openings in an irregularly shaped or skewed exterior wall, the location of the exposing building face shall be taken as a vertical plane located so that there are no glazed openings between the vertical plane and the line to which the limiting distance is measured. (See A- in Appendix A.)I

3) For the purpose of using Table to determine the required type of construction, cladding and fire-resistance rating for an irregularly shaped or skewed exterior wall,I

a) the location of the exposing building face shall be taken as a vertical plane located so that no portion of the actual exposing building face is between the vertical plane and the line to which the limiting distance is measured, and

b)the value for the maximum aggregate area of glazed openings (see first column of Table shall be determined using the limiting distance measured from the location described in Clause (a). (See A- in Appendix A.) Limiting Distance where Firefighting Facilities are Inadequate

1) Except for the purpose of applying Sentence, a limiting distance equal to half the actual limiting distance shall be used as input to the requirements of this Subsection, whereI

a)there is no fire department or the fire department is not organized, trained and equipped to meet the needs of the community, and

b)the building is not sprinklered. [ . . . ] Openings in Exposing Building Face

1) Except as provided in Sentences (3), (4) and (5) the maximum aggregate area of glazed openings in an exposing building face shallI

a)conform to Table,

b)conform to Subsection 3.2.3., or

c)be equal to or less than the limiting distance squared.

2) Where the limits on the area of glazed openings are determined for individual portions of the exterior wall, as described in Subclause, the maximum aggregate area of glazed openings for any portion shall conform to the values in the row of Table corresponding to the maximum total area of exposing building face (see column 1 of the Table) that is equal to the sum of all portions of the exposing building face. (See Appendix A.)I

3) The limits on the area of glazed openings shall not apply to the exposing building face of a dwelling unit facing a detached garage or accessory building, whereI

a)the detached garage or accessory building serves only one dwelling unit,

b)the detached garage or accessory building is located on the same property as that dwelling unit, and

c)the dwelling unit served by the detached garage or accessory building is the only major occupancy on the property.

4) Where a building of residential occupancy is sprinklered and the limiting distance is less than 1.2 m but not less than 1 m , the maximum percentage of unprotected openings may be 10% if windows are glazed with tempered, wired or laminated glass or glass block.I

5) If a storage garage has a limiting distance of not less than 3 m, the exposing building face of such storage garage may have unlimited unprotected openings.I

Maximum Area of Glazed Openings in Exterior Walls of Buildings Containing only Dwelling Units
Forming Part of Sentence
Total Area
of Exposing
Building Face
, m2
Maximum Aggregate Area of Glazed Openings, % of Exposing Building Face Area
Limiting Distance, m
1.2 1.5 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 25.0
30 0 7 9 12 39 88 100
40 0 7 8 11 32 69 100
50 0 7 8 10 28 57 100
100 0 7 8 9 18 34 56 84 100
Over 100 0 7 7 8 12 19 28 40 55 92 100 Construction of Exposing Building Face of Houses

1) Except as provided in Sentences (2) to (4), (6) and (7) each exposing building face and any exterior wall located above an exposing building face that encloses an attic or roof space shall be constructed in conformance with Table and Subsection 9.10.8.I

a) for the exposing building face as a whole, or

b) for any number of separate portions of the exposing building face (see Subclause, Sentence, and A- in Appendix A).

2) Sentence (1) does not apply whereI

a)the limiting distance is 1.2 m or more,

b)the limiting distance is less than 1.2 m but not less than 0.6 m, provided that the exposing building face has a fire-resistance rating of not less than 45 min, or

c)the limiting distance is less than 0.6 m, provided that the exposing building face has a fire-resistance rating of not less than 45 min and is clad with noncombustible material.

3) Where the limiting distance is less than 0.6 m, cladding on the exposing building face and on exterior walls located above the exposing building face that enclose an attic or roof space need not be noncombustible, provided the claddingI

a)conforms to Subsection 9.27.13.,

b) is installed without furring members over at least 12.7 mm gypsum sheathing or over masonry,

c)has a flame-spread rating not greater than 25 when tested in accordance with Sentence, and

d)does not exceed 2 mm in thickness exclusive of fasteners, joints and local reinforcements.

4) The requirements regarding fire-resistance rating, type of construction and type of cladding shall not apply to the exposing building face of a dwelling unit facing a detached garage or accessory building, whereI

a)the detached garage or accessory building serves only one dwelling unit,

b)the detached garage or accessory building is located on the same property as that dwelling unit, and

c)the dwelling unit served by the detached garage or accessory building is the only major occupancy on the property.

5) Except for buildings containing 1 or 2 dwelling units only, combustible projections on the exterior of a wall that are more than 1 m above ground level, such as balconies, platforms, canopies, eave projections and stairs, and that could expose an adjacent building to fire spread, shall not be permitted withinI

a)1.2 m of a property line or the centre line of a public way, or

b)2.4 m of a combustible projection on another building on the same property.

6) Heavy timber and steel columns need not conform to the requirements of Sentence (1), provided the limiting distance is not less than 3 m.I

7) Where a residential building is sprinklered, and Table requires noncombustible construction, the exposing building faces may use a wood stud wall assembly having a one hour fire-resistance rating provided the limiting distance is at least 1.0 m, the studs are filled with noncombustible insulation, and the wall assembly is clad with noncombustible cladding.I

Minimum Construction Requirements for Exposing Building Faces of Buildings Containing only Dwelling Units
Forming Part of Sentence
Maximum Area of Glazed
Openings Permitted, % of Exposing Building Face Area
Minimum Required
Fire-Resistance Rating
Type of Construction Required Type of Cladding Required
0 - 10 1 h Noncombustible Noncombustible
11 - 25 1 h Combustible or noncombustible Noncombustible
26 - < 100 45 min Combustible or noncombustible Combustible or noncombustible

9.10.16. Fire Stops Required Fire Stops in Concealed Spaces

1) Vertical concealed spaces in interior walls and exterior walls shall be separated by fire stopsI

a)one from the other, and

b)from horizontal concealed spaces.

2) Horizontal concealed spaces in attics, roof spaces, ceilings, floors, and crawl spaces shall be separated by fire stopsI

a)one from the other, and

b)from vertical concealed spaces.

3) Fire stops shall be provided at all interconnections between concealed vertical and horizontal spaces in interior coved ceilings, drop ceilings and soffits where the exposed construction materials within the concealed spaces have a surface flame-spread rating greater than 25.I

4) Fire stops shall be provided at the top and bottom of each run of stairs where they pass through a floor containing concealed space in which the exposed construction materials within the space have a surface flame-spread rating greater than 25.I

5) In unsprinklered buildings of combustible construction, every concealed space created by a ceiling, roof space or unoccupied attic space shall be separated by fire stops into compartmentsI

a)not more than 60 m in greatest dimension, and

b)where such space contains exposed construction materials having a surface flame-spread rating greater than 25, not more than 300 m2 in area.

6) No dimension of the concealed space described in Clause (5)(b) shall exceed 20 m.I

7) Concealed spaces in mansard or gambrel style roofs, exterior cornices, balconies and canopies of combustible construction in which the exposed construction materials within the space have a surface flame-spread rating exceeding 25 shall have vertical fire stops at intervals of not more than 20 m and at points where such concealed spaces extend across the ends of required vertical fire separations.I Required Fire Stops in Wall Assemblies

1) Except as permitted in Sentence (2), fire stops shall be provided to block off concealed spaces within wall assemblies, including spaces created by furring,I

a)at each floor level,

b)at each ceiling level where the ceiling contributes to part of the required fire-resistance rating, and

c)at other locations within the wall, so that the distance between fire stops does not exceed 20 m horizontally and 3 m vertically.

2) Fire stops described in Sentence (1) are not required providedI

a)the width of the concealed wall space does not exceed 25 mm,

b)the exposed construction materials within the space are noncombustible,

c)the exposed construction materials within the space, including insulation, but not including wiring, piping or similar services, have a flame-spread rating of not more than 25, or

d)the concealed wall space is filled with insulation. Fire Stop Materials

1) Except as permitted by Sentence (2), fire stops shall be constructed of not less thanI

a)0.38 mm sheet steel,

b)6 mm asbestos board,

c)12.7 mm gypsum wallboard,

d)12.5 mm plywood, OSB or waferboard, with joints having continuous supports,

e)2 layers of 19 mm lumber with joints staggered,

f)38 mm lumber, or

g)materials conforming to Sentence

2) In a building permitted to be of combustible construction, semi-rigid fibre insulation board produced from glass, rock or slag is permitted to be used to block the vertical space in a double-frame wall assembly formed at the intersection of the floor assembly and the walls, provided the width of the vertical space does not exceed 25 mm and the insulation boardI

a)has a density not less than 45 kg/m3,

b)is securely fastened to one set of studs,

c)extends from below the bottom of the top plates in the lower storey to above the top of the bottom plate in the upper storey, and

d)completely fills the portion of the vertical space between the headers and between the wall plates.

(See A- in Appendix A.) Penetration of Fire Stops

1) Where fire stops are pierced by pipes, ducts or other elements, the effectiveness of the fire stops shall be maintained around such elements.I

9.10.17. Flame Spread Limits Flame Spread Rating of Interior Surfaces

1) Except as otherwise provided in this Subsection, the exposed surface of every interior wall and ceiling, including skylights and glazing, shall have a surface flame-spread rating of not more than 150.I

2) Except as permitted in Sentence (3), doors need not conform to Sentence (1) provided they have a surface flame-spread rating of not more than 200.I

3) Doors within dwelling units, other than garage doors, need not conform to Sentences (1) and (2).I Ceilings in Exits or Public Corridors

1) At least 90% of the exposed surface of every ceiling in an exit or unsprinklered ceiling in a public corridor shall have a surface flame-spread rating of not more than 25. (See Article Walls in Exits

1) Except as provided in Sentence (2), at least 90% of the exposed surfaces of every wall in an exit shall have a surface flame-spread rating of not more than 25. (See Article

2) At least 75% of the wall surface of a lobby used as an exit in Article shall have a surface flame-spread rating of not more than 25. (See Article Exterior Exit Passageways

1) Where an exterior exit passageway provides the only means of egress from the rooms or suites it serves, the wall and ceiling finishes of that passageway, including the soffit beneath and the guard on the passageway, shall have a surface flame-spread rating of not more than 25, except that up to 10% of the total wall area and 10% of the total ceiling area is permitted to have a surface flame-spread rating of not more than 150.I Walls in Public Corridors

1) At least 90% of the total wall surface in any unsprinklered public corridor shall have a surface flame-spread rating of not more than 75, or at least 90% of the upper half of such walls shall have a surface flame-spread rating of not more than 25. (See Article Calculation of Wall and Ceiling Areas

1) Skylights, glazing, combustible doors, and combustible light diffusers and lenses shall not be considered in the calculation of wall and ceiling areas in this Subsection.I Corridors Containing an Occupancy

1) Where a public corridor or a corridor used by the public contains an occupancy, the interior finish materials used on the walls or ceiling of such occupancy, shall have a surface flame-spread rating in conformance with that required for public corridors.I Light Diffusers and Lenses

1) Light diffusers and lenses having flame-spread ratings that exceed those permitted for the ceiling finish, shall conform to the requirements of Sentence Combustible Skylights

1) Individual combustible skylights in corridors required to be separated from the remainder of the building by fire separations shall not exceed 1 m2 in area and shall be spaced not less than 1.2 m apart.I Protection of Foamed Plastics

1) Except as provided in Sentence (2), foamed plastics which form part of a wall or ceiling assembly in combustible construction shall be protected from adjacent space in the building, other than adjacent concealed spaces within attic or roof spaces, crawl spaces, and wall assemblies, byI

a)one of the interior finishes described in Subsections 9.29.4. to 9.29.9.,

b)sheet metal mechanically fastened to the supporting assembly independent of the insulation and having a thickness of not less than 0.38 mm and a melting point not below 650°C, provided the building does not contain a Group C major occupancy, or

c)any thermal barrier that meets the requirements of Clause

2) Thermosetting foamed plastic insulation having a flame-spread rating of not more than 200 is permitted to be used in factory-assembled doors in storage garages serving single dwelling units provided thatI

a)the insulation is covered on the interior with a metallic foil,

b)the assembly has a flame-spread rating of not more than 200, and

c)the assembly incorporates no air spaces. Walls and Ceilings in Bathrooms

1) The interior finish of walls and ceilings in bathrooms within suites of residential occupancy shall have a surface flame-spread rating of not more than 200.I Coverings or Linings of Ducts

1) Where a covering or a lining is used with a duct, such lining or covering shall have a flame-spread rating conforming to Article or

9.10.18. Alarm and Detection Systems Access Provided through a Firewall

1) Where access is provided through a firewall, the requirements in this Subsection shall apply to the floor areas on both sides of the firewall as if they were in the same building.I Fire Alarm System Required

1) Except as provided in Sentence (2), a fire alarm system shall be installedI

a)in every building that contains more than 3 storeys, including storeys below the first storey,

b)where the total occupant load exceeds 300, or

c)when the occupant load for any major occupancy in Table is exceeded.

Maximum Occupant Load for Buildings without Fire Alarm Systems
Forming Part of Sentence
Major Occupancy Classification Occupant Load Above which a Fire Alarm System is Required
Residential 10 (sleeping accommodation)
Business and personal services, Mercantile 150 above or below the first storey
Low-or medium-hazard industrial 75 above or below the first storey

2) A fire alarm system is not required in a residential occupancy where an exit or public corridor serves not more than 4 suites or where each suite has direct access to an exterior exit facility leading to ground level.I Rooms and Spaces Requiring Heat Detectors or Smoke Detectors

1) Where a fire alarm system is required, every public corridor in buildings of residential occupancy and every exit stair shaft shall be provided with smoke detectors.I

2) Except as provided in Sentence (3), buildings required to have a fire alarm system shall be equipped with heat detectors or smoke detectors in storage rooms, service rooms, elevator shafts, chutes, janitors' closets and any other rooms where hazardous substances are intended to be used or stored.I

3) Heat detectors and smoke detectors described in Sentence (2) are not required in dwelling units or in sprinklered buildings in which the sprinkler system is electrically supervised and equipped with a water flow alarm.I Smoke Detectors in Recirculating Air-Handling Systems

1) Except for a recirculating air system serving not more than one dwelling unit, where a fire alarm system is required to be installed, every recirculating air-handling system shall be designed to prevent the circulation of smoke upon a signal from a duct-type smoke detector where such system supplies more than one suite on the same floor or serves more than 1 storey.I Portions of Buildings Considered as Separate Buildings

1) Except as provided in Sentence (2), where a vertical fire separation having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 1 h separates a portion of a building from the remainder of the building and there are no openings through the fire separation other than those for piping, tubing, wiring and conduit, the requirements for fire alarm and detection systems may be applied to each portion so separated as if it were a separate building.I

2) The permission in Sentence (1) to consider separated portions of a building as separate buildings does not apply to service rooms and storage rooms.I Design and Installation Requirements

1) Except as required by this Subsection, where fire alarm, fire detection and smoke detection devices and systems are installed, these devices and systems and their installation shall conform to Subsection 3.2.4. (See Appendix A.)I Central Vacuum Systems

1) Central vacuum cleaning systems in buildings required to be equipped with a fire alarm system shall be designed to shut down upon activation of the fire alarm system.I Open-Air Storage Garages

1) A fire alarm system is not required in a storage garage conforming to Article provided there are no other occupancies in the building.I

9.10.19. Smoke Alarms Required Smoke Alarms

1) Smoke alarms conforming to CAN/ULC-S531, “Smoke Alarms,” shall be installed in each dwelling unit and in each sleeping room not within a dwelling unit.I

2) Except in sprinklered buildings, smoke alarms installed in all dwelling units shall be provided with a battery back up and with a manually operated device incorporated within the circuitry of the smoke alarm so that it will silence the signal emitted by the smoke alarm for a period of not more than 10 min., after which the smoke alarm will reset and again sound the alarm if the level of smoke in the vicinity is sufficient to re-actuate the smoke alarm. Location of Smoke Alarms

1) Within dwelling units, sufficient smoke alarms shall be installed so thatI

a)there is at least one smoke alarm on each floor level, including basements, that is 900 mm or more above or below an adjacent floor level,

b)each bedroom is protected by a smoke alarm either inside the bedroom or, if outside, within 5 m, measured following corridors and doorways, of the bedroom door, and

c)the distance, measured following corridors and doorways, from any point on a floor level to a smoke alarm on the same level does not exceed 15 m.

(See Appendix A.)

2) Smoke alarms required in Article and Sentence (1) shall be installed on or near the ceiling.I Power Supply

1) Smoke alarms shall be installed by permanent connections to an electrical circuit and shall have no disconnect switch between the overcurrent device and the smoke alarm.I

2) Where the building is not supplied with electrical power, smoke alarms are permitted to be battery operated.I Interconnection of Smoke Alarms

1) Where more than one smoke alarm is required in a dwelling unit, the smoke alarms shall be wired so that the activation of one alarm will cause all alarms within the dwelling unit to sound.I Instructions for Maintenance and Care

1) Where instructions are necessary to describe the maintenance and care required for smoke alarms to ensure continuing satisfactory performance, they shall be posted in a location where they will be readily available to the occupants for reference.I

9.10.20. Firefighting Windows or Access Panels Required

1) Except as provided in Sentence (3), a window or access panel providing an opening not less than 1 100 mm high and 550 mm wide and having a sill height of not more than 900 mm above the floor shall be provided on the second and third storeys of every building in at least one wall facing on a street if such storeys are not sprinklered.I

2) Access panels required in Sentence (1) shall be readily openable from both inside and outside or be glazed with plain glass.I

3) Access panels required in Sentence (1) need not be provided in buildings containing only dwelling units where there is no dwelling unit above another dwelling unit.I Access to Basements

1) Except in basements serving not more than one dwelling unit, each unsprinklered basement exceeding 25 m in length or width shall be provided with direct access to the outdoors to at least one street.I

2) Access required in Sentence (1) may be provided by a door, window or other means that provides an opening not less than 1 100 mm high and 550 mm wide, the sill height of which shall not be more than 900 mm above the floor.I

3) Access required in Sentence (1) may also be provided by an interior stair accessible from the outdoors.I Fire Department Access to Buildings

1) Access for fire department vehicles and fire fighters must be provided to each building in accordance with Articles, and

2) Deleted.

3) Where access to a building as required in Sentence (1) is provided by means of a roadway or yard, the design and location of such roadway or yard shall take into account connection with public thoroughfares, weight of firefighting equipment, width of roadway, radius of curves, overhead clearance, location of fire hydrants, location of fire department connections and vehicular parking.I Portable Extinguishers

1) Portable extinguishers shall be installed in all buildings, except within dwelling units, in conformance with the Fire By-law. Freeze Protection of Fire Protection Systems

1) Equipment forming part of a fire protection system that may be adversely affected by freezing temperatures and that is located in an unheated area shall be protected from freezing.I

9.10.21. Fire Protection for Construction Camps Requirements for Construction Camps

1) Except as provided in Articles to, construction camps shall conform to Subsections 9.10.1. to 9.10.20.I Separation of Sleeping Rooms

1) Except for sleeping rooms within dwelling units, sleeping rooms in construction camps shall be separated from each other and from the remainder of the building by a fire separation having not less than a 30 min fire-resistance rating.I Floor Assemblies between the First and Second Storey

1) Except in a dwelling unit, a floor assembly in a construction camp building separating the first storey and the second storey shall be constructed as a fire separation having not less than a 30 min fire-resistance rating.I Walkways Connecting Buildings

1) Walkways of combustible construction connecting buildings shall be separated from each connected building by a fire separation having not less than a 45 min fire-resistance rating.I Spatial Separations

1) Construction camp buildings shall be separated from each other by a distance of not less than 10 m except as otherwise permitted in Subsections 9.10.14. and 9.10.15.I Flame-Spread Ratings

1) Except in dwelling units and except as provided in Sentence (2), the surface flame-spread rating of wall and ceiling surfaces in corridors and walkways, exclusive of doors, shall not exceed 25 over not less than 90% of the exposed surface area and not more than 150 over the remaining surface area.I

2) Except within dwelling units, corridors that provide access to exit from sleeping rooms and that have a fire-resistance rating of not less than 45 min shall have a flame-spread rating conforming to the appropriate requirements in Subsection 9.10.17.I Smoke Detectors

1) Except in dwelling units, corridors providing access to exit from sleeping rooms in construction camp buildings with sleeping accommodation for more than 10 persons shall be provided with a smoke detector connected to the building alarm system.I Portable Fire Extinguishers

1) Each construction camp building shall be provided with portable fire extinguishers in conformance with the appropriate provincial or territorial regulations or municipal bylaws or, in the absence of such regulations or bylaws, in conformance with the BCBC.I Hose Stations

1) Every construction camp building providing sleeping accommodation for more than 30 persons shall be provided with a hose station that is protected from freezing and is equipped with a hose of sufficient length so that every portion of the building is within reach of a hose stream.I

2) Hose stations required in Sentence (1) shall be located near an exit.I

3) Hoses referred to in Sentence (1) shall be not less than 19 mm inside diam and shall be connected to a central water supply or to a storage tank having a capacity of not less than 4 500 L with a pumping system capable of supplying a flow of not less than 5 L/s at a gauge pressure of 300 kPa.I

9.10.22. Fire Protection for Gas, Propane and Electric Ranges

(See Appendix A.) Installation of Ranges

1) Except as required in Sentence (2), natural gas and propane ranges shall be installed in accordance with the British Columbia Gas Safety Regulation pursuant to the British Columbia Safety Standards Act.

(See Article

2) Clearances for and protection around gas, propane and electric ranges shall be not less than those provided in Articles and Vertical Clearances above Ranges

1) Except as provided in Sentence (2), framing, finishes and cabinetry installed directly above the location of the range shall be not less than 750 mm above the level of range burners or elements.I

2) The vertical clearance described in Sentence (1) for framing, finishes and cabinets located directly above the location of the range may be reduced to 600 mm above the level of the elements or burners, provided the framing, finishes and cabinetsI

a)are noncombustible, or

b)are protected by

i)asbestos millboard not less than 6 mm thick, covered with sheet metal not less than 0.33 mm thick, or

ii)a metal hood with a 125 mm projection beyond the framing, finishes and cabinets. Protection around Ranges

1) Except as provided in Sentences (2) and (3), combustible wall framing, finishes or cabinets within 450 mm of the area where the range is to be located shall be protected above the level of the heating elements or burners by material providing fire resistance at least equivalent to that provided by a 9.5 mm thickness of gypsum board.I

2) Counter-top splash boards or back plates that extend above the level of heating elements or burners need not be protected as described in Sentence (1).I

3) Except for cabinetry described in Article, cabinetry located not less than 450 mm above the level of the heating elements or burners need not be protected as described in Sentence (1).I